Valentine's Week at The Bell Tree

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Event status
Backdrop Update
  • Backdrop announcement!

    The first batch of backdrop variants has been configured. If you believe there was a mistake or you change your mind about which one to use, feel free to discard the configuration tool item and get another one from the shop.

    The list of backdrops in the first post has also been organized a bit better. The labels may have been confusing at first, especially when viewing the thread on a mobile device.

    Also, the eighth variant was missing from the list and has now been added. These variants were originally limited to romantic attraction to go along with the event's Valentine's theme, with gender identity-themed variants planned for our Celebrating Diversity event. Mistreil has mentioned possibly releasing a couple of these early, but she'll post more about this later.
    Roses for sale!
  • Hi hi, I'm here with a bundle of fresh-picked Valentine's Roses ready and waiting to be gifted to your favorite forum members and beloved friends! Please note that while these items are permanent, they'll only be visible during the Valentine's Day season and will be hidden for the remainder of the year.

    Let's go share some Valentine's Day love! 🥀
    Backdrop Update #2 New
  • Backdrop announcement!

    As previously discussed, two new variants of the Amorous Auras backdrop are now available and displayed in the first post of this thread. These new designs can be configured with the configuration item as either number 9 or 10. If you'd like to change which variant of the backdrop displays with your profile, simply discard the existing configuration item and purchase another one from the shop for 1 bell.

    Special thanks to @Mistreil for creating two more versions!

    While we understand that even more identities exist, these two are just a taste of what's planned for June. They are a bit beyond the scope of our Valentine's Day theme, but Mistreil spent some extra time to bring them to you early! Now let's let her rest!
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