Valentine's Week at The Bell Tree

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Oh my god oh my god I was hoping for love letter collectibles!! 😭 And there's two variations omg they're perfect. I haven't looked into all the events yet but they look fun and I'm excited for the Among Us sessions!!

I love the new Amorous Auras backdrop!! ;v; but how to configure mine... the default pink is super cute on its own, but I could also go with bi, ace, or rainbow!! I need to make Decisions™️ aaaa
also would love to see this concept return in June!! 🙏 the genderfluid flag would be super cool! On a more personal note, being stuck in a swing state in the US, I've felt a lot less comfortable wearing pride flags in public in recent years, and especially so since November. Online and at home are the only places I still feel safe doing so, and where it's safe to do so I've been wanting to be louder about it than ever, so seeing these added really meant a lot ❤️ and like I mean I already knew TBT was a very LGBTQ+ friendly place ofc but still
omg the pride flag backdrops 😭😭 I love them so much!! I don't usually buy backdrops but I definitely need to get the new one hehehe 💗

I'm not sure how much I'll be able to participate since I'm on a trip and I want to prioritize my time here, but this event looks super cute and tickles my heart 🥺💖
happy valentines event, everyone!! this is the first TBT event i'm participating in, and i'm excited : )

I decided to limit it to just romance/sexuality for Valentine's day-- I didn't really feel right doing the trans colours without also including nb, genderfluid, agender, intersex, and 2s at the very least, which started feeling very... out of scope for this event. There's a lot of sexuality flags that I also had to make a decision to not make palettes for. It truly wasn't meant to be exclusionary, I just had to make a decision last night, and that was it.
@Mistreil - i really appreciate the intention and also wanted to second that, if you had time to add the trans flag, i think that would be amazing & definitely enough for an event like this :lemon:💌

i think it's more about gender & sexuality being interconnected and trans folks celebrating their love ! yay

personally, i'm currently early on in my transition, and while, before transitioning, i would have chosen the rainbow/gay flag for myself, i feel more connected to the trans flag atm, which for me represents both my gender and my queerness in the romantic sense, i guess : )
alright now that I've had sleep EEEEEEE I never thought the heart of the forest collectible would return ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤍🖤

I MUST do my 122% best so I am going to go out to the craft store to try and find inspiration

Also very cool backdrops, I will probably go with rainbow even though my heart bleeds bi :)
Backdrop Update
Backdrop announcement!

The first batch of backdrop variants has been configured. If you believe there was a mistake or you change your mind about which one to use, feel free to discard the configuration tool item and get another one from the shop.

The list of backdrops in the first post has also been organized a bit better. The labels may have been confusing at first, especially when viewing the thread on a mobile device.

Also, the eighth variant was missing from the list and has now been added. These variants were originally limited to romantic attraction to go along with the event's Valentine's theme, with gender identity-themed variants planned for our Celebrating Diversity event. Mistreil has mentioned possibly releasing a couple of these early, but she'll post more about this later.
Backdrop announcement!

[...] with gender identity-themed variants planned for our Celebrating Diversity event. Mistreil has mentioned possibly releasing a couple of these early, but she'll post more about this later.
it's me, i'm mistreil

I'll be making variations for the trans + intersex flag colours when I get a chance (likely around Monday) -- but please treat this as a teaser rather than anything else. I've always had plans to make more for June (including but not limited to nonbinary, genderfluid, agender, and 2-spirit), but I hope this is acceptable for now! Please know that we're mostly just limited by my own time and capacity! I have had very very little time and rest lately.

with that said though... I hope you'll look forward to Celebrating Diversity!!!
i should hopefully have more free time by then to make A Lot More Things that i want to!
Roses for sale!
Hi hi, I'm here with a bundle of fresh-picked Valentine's Roses ready and waiting to be gifted to your favorite forum members and beloved friends! Please note that while these items are permanent, they'll only be visible during the Valentine's Day season and will be hidden for the remainder of the year.

Let's go share some Valentine's Day love! 🥀
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