Villager amiibo compatible, possible Gamecube reference?


Nefarious did this.
Jun 11, 2005
Red Christmas Stocking
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Holiday Candy Cane 2022
Holiday Candy Cane 2021
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Holiday Candy Cane 2019
Holiday Candy Cane 2018
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
So it turns out that the Villager smash amiibo is actually compatible with Happy Home Designer...


But is it just me or is there some strong resemblance to the ol' player statues in the original Animal Crossing for paying off your mortgage?


I'm really hoping this is meant to be some sort of a throwback or reference by the developers. :)
i just stumbled across this and was about to post this but then saw this thread.

tbh i was kinda unsure if the villager amiibo would have any compatibility in the game since I'd seen nothing, so I was pretty happy when I saw this.
I regret not buying the Villager amiibo now, the only reason I didn't buy it at first is because it didn't have a Mii outfit for Mario kart 8, but now it does.

It does seem like a reference and they had to have realised some similarity at least. It makes me wonder if we could customise it to be silver or bronze or maybe change it to the female villager instead, which I highly doubt but it'd be cool.
Yay, it's great to hear that I can use my Villager amiibo, it hasn't had much use so far! I would think that the only resemblance to the GameCube statue is the base and colour since the pose is straight from the Smash artwork / model of the amiibo.
I'm so glad I got the Villager amiibo on Smash's launch. Now I can actually have a second use for it :D
I bought the Villager Amiibo last month, though I don't think this will have any use other than that.
pretty cute idea, doesn't make me wanna buy a villager amiibo, but I'm glad it gets something