Villager Exchange Thread

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Anyone want Caroline or Naomi?
I'm planning on letting them move whenever they decide to o:
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^I... already saved, quitted and changed the day... gah... I feel bad about that...
Someone in gamefaqs just confirmed that you can get them back.
not someone new from who knows where.

Not true actually. You can get them back of course, but it does not have to be the same villager. I restarted my town and had Wendy which was one of my friends starter villagers (and 16 people moved after her) and it still gave him the option to let her move in, and his Wendy did not move to that town.
Looking for Hamlet, Cookies, Hamphrey, Rossie, Freya, Hopper, static, i will trade bob for one of those villagers if you could TT to get them to move out
Not true actually. You can get them back of course, but it does not have to be the same villager. I restarted my town and had Wendy which was one of my friends starter villagers (and 16 people moved after her) and it still gave him the option to let her move in, and his Wendy did not move to that town.

I stated it as well, but it seems that everyone missed my post on that ;u;

I'll just quote someone from gamefaqs.
dukevesper posted...

You can but it has to be the same anabelle.
My Marcie moved in
Same Marcie moved to my sister's town
Same Marcie moved back into my town

The 16 villagers case only happens with different people's villagers if they are the same. (If someone has a villager you want that moved out of your town. It won't happen because it's not yours )

Hope this helped

They're saying that if it's the same, you don't need to wait for 16 villagers.

I haven't try it tough.
Stinky is moving out on the 28th

I'm looking for Hamlet, Apple, Soleil and Clay.
I can also offer bells.
PM me for offer
Thank you
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:( aww man!! But don't worry about it! if you ever get him again we'll do a deal :D
And thanks TamaMushroom that was really kind!
I kinda doubt it but I have

Deli the lazy male monkey leaving in boxes now. Will be around for the next half hour or so if you want him.
For Trade:

Dream Villagers:
ANKHA (I would do just about anything for her)
Molly or Bianca

I can toss in completed sets and bells as well. ; v ;
Looking for dream villagers; I still need Beau,Marina,Lolly,Punchy and Pietro. Willing to pay or trade; only ones im not trading is Marshal since hes reserved along with Pashmina and my three that I have that are dream villagers :)
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