Villager Exchange Thread

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They are most likely an advertiser/spam bot. If it continues, they should probably be reported.
Villager I have:

-Beardo (Leaving the 29th, reserved for Keely)

Dream Villager:
Desperate for Stitches, Merengue, Melba or Hamphrey.
I have Harry, Shari, Naomi, Chadder, Caroline, and Curt up if anyone wants. Maybe even my Deirdre.
Have 5 dream villagers left ^^
2 hopefully getting soon

Still need to reserve 3:
Have 5 dream villagers left ^^
2 hopefully getting soon

Still need to reserve 3:

do you have tangy or are you looking for her? if you have her, can i reserve her and get you one of your dreamies?
ill be TTing villagers out today and getting a new copy just for peoples dreamies soon so i could get you one as well. who are your dreamies btw?
do you have tangy or are you looking for her? if you have her, can i reserve her and get you one of your dreamies?
ill be TTing villagers out today and getting a new copy just for peoples dreamies soon so i could get you one as well. who are your dreamies btw?

Looking :)
Tangy, Marshal & Samson are the 3 dreamies left for me to reserve
I have marina and may be willing to trade her for fauna....
And fauna only..... I'll see how much I like Marina, but om me offers
Ozzie the Koala bear is ready to packed and move, anyone intres? I still looking for Julian the unicorn.
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