Villager Exchange Thread

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I have two towns, these are the people I can TRADE! PM Me!
Sprinkle - Peppy Penguin
Naomi - Snooty Cow
Marshal - Smug Squirrel
Shari- Uchi Monkey *MOVES THE 28TH*
Flo - Uchi Penguin
Coach - Jock Bull
Goose - Jock Chicken
Joey - Lazy Duck
Hugh - Lazy Pig
Bluebear - Peppy Bear cub
Dizzy - Lazy Elephant
Tiffany - Snooty Rabbit
If you're interested in anybody, PM me!

My Dream Villagers:

Sylvia (Kangaroo)
Kitt (Kangaroo)
Skye (Wolf)
Freya (Wolf)
Whitney (Wolf)
Wolfgang (Wolf)
Kyle (Wolf)
Tarou (Wolf)
Teddy (Bear)
Tangy (Cat)
Katt (Cat)
Canberra (Koala)
Bianca (Snow Leopard)
Looking for:

or a large amount of bells :3

In my town:

PM offers~ :3
Looking for: Tangy, Samson, Marshal
Villagers up for Trade (ONLY for those 3 villagers): Mitzi, Stinky, Lopez
Small update.

Willing to give up:
Pashmina, uchi goat. (she has a nice house... lol)
Kevin, jock pig. (I'm gonna miss him!)
Tia, normal elephant. (she's an adorable teapot elephant, how can you not love her. ;u;)

Looking for:
Pierce, jock eagle.
Celia, normal eagle.
Blanche, snooty ostrich.
Mira, uchi rabbit.
Drift, jock frog.

PM me if you have any of them!
Who wanted Leonardo someone has him moving on giveaway thread and the person really wanted him
I have two towns, these are the people I can TRADE! PM Me!
Sprinkle - Peppy Penguin
Naomi - Snooty Cow
Marshal - Smug Squirrel
Shari- Uchi Monkey *MOVES THE 28TH*
Flo - Uchi Penguin
Coach - Jock Bull
Goose - Jock Chicken
Joey - Lazy Duck
Hugh - Lazy Pig
Bluebear - Peppy Bear cub
Dizzy - Lazy Elephant
Tiffany - Snooty Rabbit
If you're interested in anybody, PM me!

My Dream Villagers:

Sylvia (Kangaroo)
Kitt (Kangaroo)
Skye (Wolf)
Freya (Wolf)
Whitney (Wolf)
Wolfgang (Wolf)
Kyle (Wolf)
Tarou (Wolf)
Teddy (Bear)
Tangy (Cat)
Katt (Cat)
Canberra (Koala)
Bianca (Snow Leopard)

Uhh I'd really like to have Sprinkle but I haven't any of your dream villagers in my town ><
I can't obtain any of my Dream Villagers TT^TT It feels impossible to me~~ I wanna cry my eyes out...

Villagers I need:
Marshal (Smug)
Pecan (Snooty)
Deirdre (Uchi) (Theburnside)
Beau (Lazy)
Felicity (Peppy)
Kid Cat (Jock)
Pekoe (Normal)
Chester (Lazy)
Julian (Smug)
Roscoe (Cranky)

. Villagers I have:
Apple (Peppy)
Maple (Normal)
Cherry (Uchi)
Mint (Snooty)
Monty (Cranky)
Celia (Normal)
Roald (Jock)
Quillson (Smug)
Kevin (Jock) (Reserved) (Trading with Theburnside)
I have for trade - TBone, Prince, Frobert, Chevre and Friga. I don't TT so I'm not sure when they'll be ready to go but if you'd like to trade for someone on the list in my signature send me an inbox message :)
Have for Trade: Mitzi, Lopez, Stinky - but all 3 only for dream villagers

Dream Villagers still needed: Muffy (should be getting) Stitches/Bones (should be getting) Marshal, Tangy & Samson
Punchy is moving out on the 1st.
But I'll only trade him for one of these villagers: Wolfgang, Fang, Beau, or Filbert.
Any takers?
yes and im going to scream if i dont get lolly soon
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