Villager Exchange Thread

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Looking for Dotty or Rooney! I have Fang wanting to move out but I'll only give him away if someone has those two.
Looking for Chester

MAC is leaving and Bunnie is camping!
If anyone has my dream villagers moving on or after the 4th please tell me. :c I can offer bells...
I see Zucker is quite popular here. Well Zucker just informed me he's moving on the 6th and yeah I can let him go. I've been searching for Ruby, Molly & O'Hare. If anyone has these, it's an automatic trade!

PM me with an offer, I'm really only accepting those villagers as trade. Thanks!
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Current Villagers
Fang -
Frobert *
Olaf ()
Bree ()
Kiki ()
Pompom -
Baabara *
Angus *
Punchy ()
( - = Trading. () = Reserved, * = Staying!)

Dream Villagers
Frobert *
Anges *
Baabara *
Chow (Might Get!)
Static (Might Get!)
Bree *
Francine (Might Get!)
( * = Have!)
Recently got my second town! <3

Here are my new villagers: (I'm willing to trade all of them) NON-TTING TOWN
Kid Cat
Muffy (moving in)
Gala (moving in)

And villagers I'm trading from my TTing town:
Wart Jr.
Frobbert (moving day is today!)
Maple (reserved)
Tia (reserved) MOVING SOON
Lolly (?)
Lucky (?)
Monique (?)

Villagers with a (?) I'm not sure if I want to trade yet. I may just struggle to look for a way to transfer them to my main town. C:

Really, really, really looking for Whitney/Marina. Please PM about them!
Trading merengue for stitches.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Trading merengue for stitches.
I've been punished with Pietro. I'm planning to TT him out today. Is there a kind soul out there who is willing to trade?
I've been punished with Pietro. I'm planning to TT him out today. Is there a kind soul out there who is willing to trade?

You're actually very lucky, Pietro is very well wanted for some people... Just check around then past post and PM them ;)
I've been punished with Pietro. I'm planning to TT him out today. Is there a kind soul out there who is willing to trade?

Pietro is VERY popular. Check the forums before haphazardly getting rid of that one. It's a goodie.
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