Senior Member
OK, so I know that Ankha is possibly one of the most wanted villagers in this game, but my sis wanted me to make this post.
Yesterday she won an auction for her for 25 million, and right after she won the person (who was rather new to the site she won her on with only one wifi rating) messaged her and told her that she would have to come later, because they were busy, and when she did, she would have to give them all the money before they even went to Ankha's house. My sis is pretty causious with trading, so she tried to convince them to at least let her see if Ankha was in boxes. The person never responded after this, and today she found out that they gave her to someone else without telling her.... and now she is pretty upset.
She asked if I could post something here looking for Ankha, so.... she's offering up what she won her for in the auction, but said that maybe she could do more if it was not enough. PM me if you are interested and I'll give you her FC. It would make her day
Just as a PSA:
It's pretty standard procedure to drop the money before picking up the villager - you can always flip the WiFi switch at no risk to yourself if they try to end the session.
On the other hand, if you're running back and forth to the ABD after picking up the villager, it's easy to sneak to the train station if someone is counting a large sum of money dropped elsewhere. As I'm sure anyone could imagine, dropping even more than 5mil will quickly push you out of the range of the station. Sellers can either
1) leave it on the ground and count/watch it
2) Pick it up to run it to their ABD
Both options have their pros and cons, but either way, the risk exists for someone to sneak out before paying fully if the payment is made after, so that's why paying first is almost always a requirement in high-bell exchanges for villagers.