Villager Framed Photos


'Be-a-u' tiful!
May 26, 2020
Clownfish Plush
The Bell Tree World Championship 2021 Patch
Red Super Star Trophy
Light Blue Balloon
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Timmy Christmas Doll
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Green Star Fragment
Sheep Plush
So this is likely going to be a mixture of help me and a rant! I've had ACNH since its release in the UK I've played every single day since then. Early on I was charmed by the beautiful Beau so began gifting him a number of different things mostly clothes or items that I felt would fit in the theme of his (forced house). I speak to him every day without fail multiple times pretty much any time I walk past him. I never hit him with a net or push him. Every request, game or swap I go along with. More recently (last 3 weeks) I'd seen a post that gifting fruit or wall diy crafted items was better and of course these would be giftwrapped so I had started doing this also. I've still yet to receive a villager framed photo. Unfortunately his birthday has been and gone so he won't be feeling any more generous on that day. What am I doing wrong? I feel like its such a fine line. But the frustration is starting to border into annoyance which I don't want to have for beautiful Beau. Since other dreamies have begun to join my island i've gifted them every day along a similar theme. But still nothing! I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't got framed photos and feel like I must be doing something wrong or offending them in some way?
even if your friendship is high with a certain villager, i heard it's just 10% chances of getting them. it is frustrating. what you're doing is correct though. people always give me advise as if i don't follow the guides too, so i feel like it'll be useless to give you advise since you clearly know what you're doing and what you're doing is not different from what i've been doing. unfortunately, it all just comes down to chances.

to make you feel better, it is like that for me as well. it'll come when you least expect it. jeremiah & fauna are villagers that i talk to ALL the time and give presents daily. yet they still refuse to give me their pics, and i even got pics of villagers that moved in after them much quicker.
You're not alone. I have yet to get my first framed photo too! Don't stress yourself too much unless if you plan to move your dream villager away.
You'll definitely get it sooner or later. It's around a 6% - 10% chance to get the photo once you're at max friendship. By far the best way is to gift your villagers a gift wrapped iron wall lamp each day. I've done it a LOT, in combination with TT'ing and cycling out villagers, and sometimes you either get really lucky, or super unlucky. Most recently, Tangy took maybe 60 iron wall lamps, while Filbert took about 18.

Keep at it, and you'll definitely start to receive some framed photos. :)
It is just super random. I managed to get Marina's randomly one day. First one and I haven't gotten another since. Granted, I haven't tried hard since.
It's super random. Apollo was the second to last to join my island and I manager to get his picture before the 4 others that have been in my island for twice as long. Just keep gifting and they'll give it up eventually.
I received Merengue's photo the other day and I literally gasped because I'd resigned myself to the fact that I'd done everything right and yet there was still no photo from her and she's one of the first villagers I asked to move to my island back when I started playing.
So this is likely going to be a mixture of help me and a rant! I've had ACNH since its release in the UK I've played every single day since then. Early on I was charmed by the beautiful Beau so began gifting him a number of different things mostly clothes or items that I felt would fit in the theme of his (forced house). I speak to him every day without fail multiple times pretty much any time I walk past him. I never hit him with a net or push him. Every request, game or swap I go along with. More recently (last 3 weeks) I'd seen a post that gifting fruit or wall diy crafted items was better and of course these would be giftwrapped so I had started doing this also. I've still yet to receive a villager framed photo. Unfortunately his birthday has been and gone so he won't be feeling any more generous on that day. What am I doing wrong? I feel like its such a fine line. But the frustration is starting to border into annoyance which I don't want to have for beautiful Beau. Since other dreamies have begun to join my island i've gifted them every day along a similar theme. But still nothing! I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't got framed photos and feel like I must be doing something wrong or offending them in some way?
I feel you, no framed photo as well :( it's frustrating because there are some villagers I'm willing to let go of but only after I get their picture
It's pretty weird, I got one from a villager I had for a long time but didn't really pay any attention too.
It was after I went to his birthday he sent me the photo so maybe going to their birthday party and giving them a gift should really help with that.
I've struggled to get villager photos too, so, unfortunately, I think it's mostly down to luck. The best method that's worked for me is giving them 1 iron wall lamp (wrapped) every day, talk to them at least once per day, and hope for the best
Thanks all for the advice. I guess i carry on with what I have been doing safe in the knowledge it isn't just me . Its reassuring that its down to such a small percentage chance as I was totally starting to believe that Beau - the lazy bug loving deer was starting to harbour a deep dislike for me... which we all know he isn't capable of! LOL
is2g there are some villagers who play hard to get! i've had dobie, bangle, and kyle for months and no pic. whereas maple showed up a few weeks ago and she's like hey we're besties here's my headshot. 🥺 i know i've hit max friendship but they are holding out on me (maybe because they know i have a history of letting villagers move on once i get there pic lol).

it's good to know the chance is so low bc i was worried i might be doing something wrong.
It’s RNG as others have said - I’m fortunate to be up to 8, but it doesn’t seem to follow any pattern other than higher value gifts improve your odds of getting a gift back (rather than just bells).

The quickest one I got was after about month from delivering a lost item on first guess based on the clue. Another one took me close to 3 months.
This is cheesing the process a bit, but read on if you might be interested in doing so...

This worked well for me once you're in the high-enough friendship levels to be gifted a photo. Each day when you gift the villager whose photo you want, see what they give you in return for your gift to them, and it if isn't their photo... zip out to the Switch menu and close the Animal Crossing game without saving!

Start it back up, chase your villager down, and try again! Repeat the process! I'd set a limit around 8 attempts a day just to keep myself from getting too annoyed, but doing this with one or two of my villagers each day eventually got me all of their photos over about a three week period.

Good luck!
So this is likely going to be a mixture of help me and a rant! I've had ACNH since its release in the UK I've played every single day since then. Early on I was charmed by the beautiful Beau so began gifting him a number of different things mostly clothes or items that I felt would fit in the theme of his (forced house). I speak to him every day without fail multiple times pretty much any time I walk past him. I never hit him with a net or push him. Every request, game or swap I go along with. More recently (last 3 weeks) I'd seen a post that gifting fruit or wall diy crafted items was better and of course these would be giftwrapped so I had started doing this also. I've still yet to receive a villager framed photo. Unfortunately his birthday has been and gone so he won't be feeling any more generous on that day. What am I doing wrong? I feel like its such a fine line. But the frustration is starting to border into annoyance which I don't want to have for beautiful Beau. Since other dreamies have begun to join my island i've gifted them every day along a similar theme. But still nothing! I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't got framed photos and feel like I must be doing something wrong or offending them in some way?
Idk if you still read these replies, but what I found worked for me was once I felt that a villager had max friendship, I would gift them something and if they didn’t give me their photo, I would quickly reset before the game auto saved. Since it’s based on chance, if you just keep resetting before it saves, you’ll eventually receive their photo. I did this with Marshall and Pango and got their photos in like 15 tries each.