So this is likely going to be a mixture of help me and a rant! I've had ACNH since its release in the UK I've played every single day since then. Early on I was charmed by the beautiful Beau so began gifting him a number of different things mostly clothes or items that I felt would fit in the theme of his (forced house). I speak to him every day without fail multiple times pretty much any time I walk past him. I never hit him with a net or push him. Every request, game or swap I go along with. More recently (last 3 weeks) I'd seen a post that gifting fruit or wall diy crafted items was better and of course these would be giftwrapped so I had started doing this also. I've still yet to receive a villager framed photo. Unfortunately his birthday has been and gone so he won't be feeling any more generous on that day. What am I doing wrong? I feel like its such a fine line. But the frustration is starting to border into annoyance which I don't want to have for beautiful Beau. Since other dreamies have begun to join my island i've gifted them every day along a similar theme. But still nothing! I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't got framed photos and feel like I must be doing something wrong or offending them in some way?