Villager Pictures - How Long To Obtain?

I love trying to get villager photos but I can't say I'm a huge fan of actually getting them.

Trying to get photos is a huge thing for me now and part of the reason I still play.
When I get a photo of a villager I want to keep, it just means less to do in the game.

I'm thinking of moving some of my favourites like kidd and sherb off my island because I have the photos of every single person on my island.

I kinda wish that frames couldn't be customised. That way you could keep trying to get more of their photos for different frames (I know they're all the same by default but if it was random...)
okay.... if i don't get julian's photo tomorrow or so, i'm either giving him away or using moving lobo onto my island within the next 3 days after that...
I just got Zell's photo on my main island. I don't know if its just the RNG but Francine has been on my island for like 2 weeks and she still won't give me her photo. If she doesn't give me her photo by Monday then I will have to let her go if she is thinking about moving out.
look! finally! :giggle: i was just about to give up & move him out...


now, i really am going to move him out & get lobo.. :>