Yea, I wasn't saying that what many of you are doing is wrong, I was just sharing a method that I'm using- that is working consistently regardless of villager personality type (people kept mentioning stubborn villagers) and that people who don't mind the homes being a mess can use. While I understand that the algorithm gives you a chance of getting a photo as long as the item is at least 750, there is an increase in the probability (and I have no idea what that is) when you give more expensive items (the algorithm in the game generates a different reaction and results in a faster increase in friendship level and chance of getting a photo is therefore moved up). I read an article about it way back in December but didn't save it. I know I am new to this forum so I don't have "cred" but I think I would be disingenuous to discount the boost that this strategy can give for players with different goals and I hadn't read it anywhere on here.
I'll edit to add that I'm unsure where the cut off in pricier is with my method- is it starting at 20k? 80k? I haven't paid consistent attention to answer that question or kept a spreadsheet to track it- I do enough stats in my real job to want to mess with that in my free time/hobbies
It would be interesting to see the article as I have never seen any verified information on a more expensive gift than 750 bells getting any sort of bonus (at least since last summer)
by stubborn villagers people don’t mean that there is actually a difference in the villagers, the just mean they are having bad luck with a certain villager. The chance of obtaining a picture is around 8% if ‘hand gifting’ and about 2% higher if you use the stacked items with full pockets method that causes them to mail you a return gift. (From what I understand the math is -
Hand gifting = Friendship points / 25 * 0.85 = %
Fruit Stack Trick = Friendship points / 25 = %) (the ‘fruit stack trick’ is now called the stack trick because as of 1.9 it no longer works with fruit only stackable items where each individual items sells for at least 750)
there’s no cred issue at play, I simply have not seen any information which lists a boost for higher cost gifts. You do get bonus point for a gift of 250-749 bells (sell value not purchase value) and an additional bonus for a gift of 750+
from a cursory search I do see a Nintendo guide which says you get a boost for furniture which costs 10,000 bells or more. After one of the updates last year there was a period where the required gift sell value to receive a photo was a sell value of 2500 (which is an item you can buy for 10,000). This was later changed to 750 (which would be the equivalent of a cost of around 3000 bells). The article I saw was also based on info from Nintendo, who are strangely unreliable on this stuff, it also claims sending mail to your villagers increases friendship, which dataminers determined was not the case)
i don’t think anyone is being disingenuous. I may be proven to be wrong, but if so I am honestly wrong, and I truly don’t have a stake in being right.
Nintendo has tweaked the mechanic several times so far, and so part of the point of this thread is to discover changes to the gifting and friendship mechanic when they do occur.
I just have never seen any data to suggest there is a bump in probability for expensive items. I would be very interested to see the information if it is out there.
I apologize if my tone seemed unwelcoming or unfriendly. I was writing in haste during a break at work. There is an has been a lot of confusion for people over what will and won’t help with getting photos and my intent is to try and simplify the information. But I did not mean to make it seem like you needed to edit your post or not share your experience.
anyway, sorry if I seemed offended etc. I wasn’t, and did not mean to make you feel like you should not contribute.