Villager Pings

Aug 3, 2015
Tasty Cake
So right now I have Pietro trapped in a circle of holes because I want him to ping for a phrase change. I mean, earlier, he was talking to Rolf, and now he's saying "graaah!" I want "honk honk" back. Will the trap (making him easy to find) and deep sea ping trick work?
Swimming in the ocean for at least 3 minutes and than going back on land works 100% It's guarantee to make a villager ping. Walk in fron of every villager who is outside at the time.
yeah but he wants Pietro to ping. keep your pockets empty so he cant ask about any of your items. keep your bells count at zero so he cant sell you anything. then yeah, i think the swimming trick should eventually get a catchphrase ping out of him. or even better- maybe he'll ask to move... ;)
Keep in mind that if it is the day of a holiday, or event, no villagers will ping. Today was a fishing tourney for me and I did not get any pings for anything.
I agree with what King Dad said. However, fill up your pockets with things such as unidentified fossils and flowers, that way they can't give you anything for free, and they wouldn't want any of the stuff you're carrying
You do realize that if you want their original catchphrases back, you don't need the ping to get them to request you change it, just report it to Isabelle that they're using bad language- talk to her behind the desk, don't sit in the chair, and she'll make the joke that she'll wash their mouth out with soap, but it'll revert the catchphrase for you