Villager "stealing" catchphrases

Chief has the catchphrase, 'yawnnn,' which I think he stole from Nate. It kind of suits him, but I think his original catchphrase is better.
i hate when they do this
mira stole lobo's catchphrase so now she goes around saying 'ah-rooooo' which... does not fit her. at all ._.​
I hate it when that happens. I had "picante" spread around like wildfire. I got rid of that, but now Robin's catchphrase "la-di-da" is being spread around. I keep switching them back to their original catchphrase when they ask me to give them advice on what their new catchphrase should be. Until I think of something clever, it'll probably stay that way a while.

When you spend exactly 5 minutes in your town without saving or going into any buildings, then your villagers will converse and they might share their catchphrase and/or shirt. You can stop this by not idling in your town for 5 minutes.

Bless your heart for this tip <3
I guess you could just save or go in a building every 5 minutes. It could get annoying though.
Does this count if someone else is in your town too? Or if it's just you in your town for 5 minutes?
I hate it when that happens. I had "picante" spread around like wildfire. I got rid of that, but now Robin's catchphrase "la-di-da" is being spread around. I keep switching them back to their original catchphrase when they ask me to give them advice on what their new catchphrase should be. Until I think of something clever, it'll probably stay that way a while.

Bless your heart for this tip <3
I guess you could just save or go in a building every 5 minutes. It could get annoying though.
Does this count if someone else is in your town too? Or if it's just you in your town for 5 minutes?

It doesn't count when someone is in your town, or when you're placing a PWP and Isabelle is following you around.
I had to change a couple catchphrases today, haha :p Punchy stole Carmen's "hoppin'" and he just doesn't sound quite right without his default catchphrase...
Yeah mine do. It's annoying because it takes a while for them to ask for a new one and each catchphrase is specific to the villager saying it. Luckily greetings are safe from being "stolen". Mira got "teacup" from Tia. Another thing villagers can transfer is their clothes. Tia has Zell's gray camo tee. I keep everyone from calling me nicknames because I can see the same personalized problem I have with the catchphrases happening with nicknames.
If they steal another villagers catchphrase, then you can totally tell they've been hanging out together. It's the best way to tell who's friends with who in my opinion xD Although, it kinda ruins things when a villager says a phrase that doesn't suit them at all like how willow in my town keeps saying "zzzzrbit" and I'm just like.... no willow... you aren't a frog
I hate dora? I think the mouse in my town and she always says cheeseball AND NOW EVERYONE IS SAYING IT LOL it's so annoying XD
I saw an interesting post on tumblr. It was a game where if a villager asks you to change their catchphrase, you change it to "cough"

That villager is now infected with the plague. If all of the villagers in your town start coughing, you have to destroy your town.
Whitney always says 'blurp', thanks to Marina, who isn't even in my town anymore. It doesn't really suit her at all, either.
This happened to my Wild World town once Chevre moved in. Now over half of the town keeps saying "la baa". :(
Oh that's happenes to my villagers often, heheh I always give them inappromriate catch phases or silly ones like uh big balls xD
Velma would say something like, "oh wouldn't you agree, big balls?" ahahah, yeah then everyone else in town starts useimg big balls!
I hate when they all want to say the same thing. I like for each villager to have their own special catchphrase. I also hate when they all start wearing the same shirt. Kiki is wearing a candy gingham shirt. It looks adorable on her. Now Lucha is wearing it. It's not so adorable on him. LOL
I find it weird when villagers steal catchphrases! At first I thought it was a glitch, because Truffles (the pig) started saying, "Me meow!" and pigs don't even meow. I then realized it was a game thing. x)
And yeah, villagers wearing the same shirt disturb me, it's like this virus or something o_o (and worst part is that the shirts that are being copied in my town are the default, ugly shirt patterns at the Able Sisters aaaagh).
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I personally find it hilarious when other villagers swap around catchphrases and nicknames... though, this has led to half the villagers calling me "Scumlord", so perhaps mistakes were made...

[No images until 3 posts... blah... I'll be back!]
I changed one of my villagers catchphrases to "cough". I'm gonna see if it starts a townwide epidemic.
Alas, I can finally post this!


Sorry for the delay!