villager won’t hang wreath on his door?


ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
Apr 24, 2015
Blue Crescent Moon
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Moon Bunny
White Crescent Moon
Blue Crescent Moon
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Opalescent Crystal
Pearlescent Crystal
hi, everyone! so, i’ve sent bam a blue rose wreath twice now in hopes of him placing it on his door and he just,, won’t? i haven’t had any trouble with this before so i’m a bit confused as to why he won’t hang it up; they’re not displayed in his house, either, so i’m not sure what’s going on lol

Did you mail it or gift it to him by hand? If you mail it takes like an extra day or two for it to go up on the door.
Are you time traveling? If by chance you mail him something, then TT backwards, it'll be like you never sent it. I've had this happen with a couple villagers.
Did you mail it or gift it to him by hand? If you mail it takes like an extra day or two for it to go up on the door.

i mailed both to him but it’s been about a week since i sent him the first one and he still hasn’t done anything with it lol

Are you time traveling? If by chance you mail him something, then TT backwards, it'll be like you never sent it. I've had this happen with a couple villagers.

i’ve had that happen a few times, too, but i haven’t been time travelling this time around aha
i mailed both to him but it’s been about a week since i sent him the first one and he still hasn’t done anything with it lol

i’ve had that happen a few times, too, but i haven’t been time travelling this time around aha

Maybe try giving it to him in person. There was some gifting stuff that got changed in the last update. But assuming nothing was changed in terms of mailing items, some types items just don't make it into their storage. It looks like wreathes fall into their own special category but I haven't done any testing to really find out.
Maybe try giving it to him in person. There was some gifting stuff that got changed in the last update. But assuming nothing was changed in terms of mailing items, some types items just don't make it into their storage. It looks like wreathes fall into their own special category but I haven't done any testing to really find out.

Weird...I honestly don't know what the problem would be...

hm yeah, i think i’ll try giving it to him in person and see if that helps. thank you both for answering :)
Happening to me too, and only since the update. Each villager house on ExIsle is surrounded by flowers needed to make a specific wreath. Before the update, I could gift them the wreath, then see it on their door the next day. After the update, I gift a wreath, and the next day, nothing changes, even if they didn't have a wreath on their door to begin with. I only gift in person, so the issue only being caused by mailing them isn't validated.

I wonder if the same is true for the Iron doorplate.
hm yeah, i think i’ll try giving it to him in person and see if that helps. thank you both for answering :)

If gifting the wreath in person doesn't work, you might have the glitch where some villagers won't put up a wreath no matter what. There's no fix for it and I can't find a mention of it's been patched yet or not.
If gifting the wreath in person doesn't work, you might have the glitch where some villagers won't put up a wreath no matter what. There's no fix for it and I can't find a mention of it's been patched yet or not.

hm. i gifted whitney a wreath a few days ago and she put it up so,, hopefully bam is just being finicky lol
Same, I initially thought it was cos some wreaths are seasonal and if out of season they wouldn't put them up... But I gave Pietro a fruit wreath and nothing :( I'll try giving a flower wreath to see if it makes a difference...
If gifting the wreath in person doesn't work, you might have the glitch where some villagers won't put up a wreath no matter what. There's no fix for it and I can't find a mention of it's been patched yet or not.
This just seems to convenient, seeing as I had zero issues prior to the Turkey Day/Jingle update.
That's so weird. I've never had an issue but this game has tons of tiny/strange bugs so I definitely believe your struggle.
This just seems to convenient, seeing as I had zero issues prior to the Turkey Day/Jingle update.

I just found mention of it when I was checking to see if another glitch got patched in the Turkey Day update. I think it said it was reported in 1.3 but I'll have to find it later to check. I haven't tried giving my villagers wreathes in a while but I can test it on one of the villages I'm cycling out later.
I'm making some wreaths for the villagers to put up for Christmas so I'll do some testing and see if I can find anything out :)
I actually am having the same issue with Shep. I've given him two Paw Doorplate (or whatever they're called) now and he hasn't displayed them. One I gifted at his birthday, the other just on a random day when he didn't put the birthday one up. I'm honestly wondering if it has to do with the fact that, for a long time, he hung a Shell Wreath on his door- but apparently took it down after summer (I never paid that close attention, NGL). I'll try gifting another, but I'm just as confused as you!

Also, villagers never display wall items inside their home, just FYI. The items you give them for walls DO take up space in their invisible inventory but they never display them, but if you gift enough they may start removing items from their homes, IIRC. You have to gift them a ton of stuff, though, from what I understand, before you run into that problem!
Idk if this will make you feel any better, but I've had the same problem with Flora! It was strange--I gifted both her and Dotty something to hang on their door on the same day, but come the next day, only Dotty hung up her doorplate. I'm still super confused about it lol
Hm.. I believe that tting and mailing definitely effects sometimes. I've never actually had an issue like that. Try giving it to him in person.
I gave everyone a mushroom wreath and for some reason they had them all on the doors then all of a sudden they had all disappeared. No idea why but I havent gifted them again. Sure there will be more exciting wreaths to come that I can give them