villagers gifting villagers..... was it always like this?


Animal Crossing Architect
Mar 19, 2020
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
New Horizons Token
Mother's Day Carnation
Pink Hybrid Tulip
White Lily
White Tulip
So I have been keeping my villagers original because I like them that way, and it can be tricky to make sure that you never gift your villagers an item, but I have never given them an item and have had them original succesfully, or so I thought..

Apparently when villager A tells me they are fighting with villager B, and villager A is making me deliver a gift to villager B, it counts as a gifted item and will act as such.

I'm so sad about this, my Beau is now wearing a yellow baby romper and I don't want that T^T I also saw that my Reneigh has an UGLY (like a space suit thing?) clothing item displayed in her house now and it just ruins it for me. Has this always been the case? I have been playing since release day and I swear that it didn't act as a gifted item and I never saw my villager wearing or displaying the gifts they got from other villagers. Has anyone else had this happen? I'm so sad about it because they have been original for months ;-;

also, whenever I deliver the gift, and they ask me 'should I try it on?' I tell them not to, and in the past then they never seemed to wear or display said gifted item
Yeah, it happens, pretty sure it's been a thing since launch. I know there are people who don't fulfill requests because of this. From what I know, that's the only way to reliably get them to not use it.
yeah I'm definitely stopping with the gift requests now too, Beau is a villager that I could get back pretty easily but Reneigh.. I haven't checked on my other villagers, but I have never seen them in anything other then their original outfit
(and for my very first villagers, just the clothes that I gave them)
Their house might end up a bit questionable, but they can only have 28 or so items of clothing so if you gift them clothes you like every day for a month, their ugly one will get thrown out.

Had to do this with cherry after she got given the muscle suit thing.

What I do now if I'm doing a delivery is try to make it before it auto save and just turn off the game if its ugly
Their house might end up a bit questionable, but they can only have 28 or so items of clothing so if you gift them clothes you like every day for a month, their ugly one will get thrown out.

Had to do this with cherry after she got given the muscle suit thing.

What I do now if I'm doing a delivery is try to make it before it auto save and just turn off the game if its ugly
I was thinking of doing this but I think I'd rather have one item that I dislike then a house filled with copies haha!
though if it was a muscle suit...I might have had to do the same thing. my condoleances.
Yeah, it's definitely been a thing since launch, and I hate it so much. My villagers had already collected some truly ridiculous outfits before I grew wise to it, and I swear they love to wear those more than anything else! I like mine to wear a variety of clothing (though I choose things that suit them) so I'll cycle the tragic clothes out eventually, and maybe after that I'll fix their houses so they don't display outfits there either. It's a long and irritating process though, and I wish we had more control over it.
I've delivered a lot of presents for villagers and it's often been a big mistake, usually the furniture isn't awful (other then one garbage bin) but the clothes they pick out are mostly hideous and don't suit the villager at all. Now I refuse to deliver it, especially if I already have the photo of the villager who's requesting it and don't mind missing out on building up the friendship, or usually if I agree to it I open the present up and decide whether to give it to the villager or trash it.
Yeah, it's definitely been a thing since launch, and I hate it so much. My villagers had already collected some truly ridiculous outfits before I grew wise to it, and I swear they love to wear those more than anything else! I like mine to wear a variety of clothing (though I choose things that suit them) so I'll cycle the tragic clothes out eventually, and maybe after that I'll fix their houses so they don't display outfits there either. It's a long and irritating process though, and I wish we had more control over it.
aw that sucks! I honestly like them in different cute clothes too, but not for everyone. I stopped giving them clothes because I don't want their houses to be a mess, I hate that they display the clothes they get.. it doesn't make sense to me.

It is a good idea though to give them cute clothes, and afterwards give them their original furniture back.
But wouldn't they start displaying the furniture double? ahhh I'm overthinking this
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I've delivered a lot of presents for villagers and it's often been a big mistake, usually the furniture isn't awful (other then one garbage bin) but the clothes they pick out are mostly hideous and don't suit the villager at all. Now I refuse to deliver it, especially if I already have the photo of the villager who's requesting it and don't mind missing out on building up the friendship, or usually if I agree to it I open the present up and decide whether to give it to the villager or trash it.
this makes me wonder, when you refuse to deliver does the friendship level stay the same or do you lose points?
I'm assuming that you only lose points when you accept to deliver and then don't do it, right?
aw that sucks! I honestly like them in different cute clothes too, but not for everyone. I stopped giving them clothes because I don't want their houses to be a mess, I hate that they display the clothes they get.. it doesn't make sense to me.

It is a good idea though to give them cute clothes, and afterwards give them their original furniture back.
But wouldn't they start displaying the furniture double? ahhh I'm overthinking this

You're not overthinking it, I think there's every chance they can display furniture double unfortunately! There are some very detailed and complicated guides out there on how to fix or revamp villager homes successfully, but it seems so difficult and so easy to get wrong that it's pretty daunting to me! Oh well, I guess we can't exactly expect little goats and bear cubs to have much flair for interior design 😆
I've stopped doing any delivery/fetch/sell-your-item requests for villagers because of this. I've had to kick some of my dreamies out and re-invite them just to get their original selves back.
thanks everyone for responding! now the next step: what do I do about this?

I think I have to find peace with the interior not being perfect anymore. Beau in a yellow baby romper is just so weird it looks like he's wearing a dress T^T I could get a new Beau, but for now I'm thinking of just going crazy and giving him 28 (or however many is needed to kick the romper out) nice shirts and some interior items. if anyone has any tips about this approach that would be appreciated!

as for Reneigh I haven't seen her wear the item she has, it's just in her house, which I'm okay with. I took a better look at it and it's an ice-hockey uniform, that's going to look GREAT on her. just great. oh well, it's not like I spend all my time in her house (that would be a bit boring lol)
this makes me wonder, when you refuse to deliver does the friendship level stay the same or do you lose points?
I'm assuming that you only lose points when you accept to deliver and then don't do it, right?
You stay the same. The original datamine on friendship points lays it all out, but essentially you lose nothing by refusing to deliver, but you do lose points if you accept and don't deliver or peek inside the package first. Plus, the villager will always say something positive when you decline to do their delivery ("You're right, I should do it myself. Thanks for encouraging me!" etc), so there's no reason to feel bad either.
You stay the same. The original datamine on friendship points lays it all out, but essentially you lose nothing by refusing to deliver, but you do lose points if you accept and don't deliver or peek inside the package first. Plus, the villager will always say something positive when you decline to do their delivery ("You're right, I should do it myself. Thanks for encouraging me!" etc), so there's no reason to feel bad either.
I see, thank you for explaining! ^-^
Dom gave Ankha this horrible reflective safety vest and she wore it all the time, luckily I have her amiibo and can invite a fresh one. Why don't they let us remove dumb clothing from their invintory like we could do in New Leaf? So dumb, it really ruins that whole aspect of the game :|
Since you want to keep them original, this wouldn't help, but you can open a present when asked to make a delivery. I now do this, after getting duped into giving Gruff a purple towel wrap. If the item looks nice and is something I'd like to see them wear/display in their house, I'll rewrap it and deliver it. If not, it gets sold.

The villager who asked you to deliver will ask for it back the following day, but that will be the end of it. I know that loses you points, but I do enough other things for my villagers that it balances out.
You could try gifting the villagers a new outfit that you like and matches their favorite style/color (so they'll hopefully wear it). To get them to display something else in their house you could try giving them the object that was originally there (in the same color) or something else that they'll hopefully replace the clothes with.
Here's a good tool for gifting villagers:

I sympathize because somehow Marina ended up with a black tunic with yellow trim... looks like she belongs to Hufflepuff. She also has a vampire tunic which she thankfully doesn't wear anymore.
Would be nice if complaining to Isabel would erase their clothing inventory.
Dom gave Ankha this horrible reflective safety vest and she wore it all the time, luckily I have her amiibo and can invite a fresh one. Why don't they let us remove dumb clothing from their invintory like we could do in New Leaf? So dumb, it really ruins that whole aspect of the game :|
that would indeed solve the problem! it's really annoying when old features don't return in new games, doesn't make sense
You could try gifting the villagers a new outfit that you like and matches their favorite style/color (so they'll hopefully wear it). To get them to display something else in their house you could try giving them the object that was originally there (in the same color) or something else that they'll hopefully replace the clothes with.
Here's a good tool for gifting villagers:

I sympathize because somehow Marina ended up with a black tunic with yellow trim... looks like she belongs to Hufflepuff. She also has a vampire tunic which she thankfully doesn't wear anymore.
Would be nice if complaining to Isabel would erase their clothing inventory.
thank you, I'll check it out! and I'll keep their style and color in mind ^-^ still, gifting them clothes and furniture means they will display the clothes in their house, which is what I dislike about the most about gifting clothes. I just want them to wear it, not show it as an interior item :c

aw haha that sounds llike a bad outfit for her! yeah, they should bring that option back.. it would also give me a reason to talk to isabelle more, because she just gets ignored 90% of the time
You're not overthinking it, I think there's every chance they can display furniture double unfortunately! There are some very detailed and complicated guides out there on how to fix or revamp villager homes successfully, but it seems so difficult and so easy to get wrong that it's pretty daunting to me! Oh well, I guess we can't exactly expect little goats and bear cubs to have much flair for interior design 😆

They can display doubled furniture? I didn't know that.
I've been having the same prob as you guys, with the villagers ending up with ugly clothes and furniture.
But this thread has been very informative! :)
so I went to Harveys island to try on some outfits for Beau and I’m not dissapointed, he’s so precious🥺

