Villager’s request

Oct 27, 2020
Tasty Cake
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Why villagers requesting for certain fishes and bugs? And they are keeping them in their home. Do you guys think are they ruin their interior?
Or it just a part of game . I saw beau has 2 fishes , Tammy has one and yesterday Diana want me to get a fish and even today ally wanted me to get her carp . I just don’t want to mess up with their beautiful interior
If they request them, and you give them, they WILL place them inside their homes. So, if you don't want to change their interiors, don't give them any bugs or fish.

But, don't worry- villagers are super chill and polite if you turn them down. I... well, I always gave them the items they asked for for a long time because I didn't want to upset them (I'm weird, okay?) and I was super relieved when I finally refused and they were like "Oh! Okay. Sorry for asking, I'll just keep looking for one myself!" (but they never seem to find one themselves, so if you don't give them one, they won't display one)
yeah they'll display em in their houses

i always turn them down, not because i'm worried about ruining their house
but because my villagers only ask for fish and i never have a fishing rod, plus i forget and accidently TT to the next day then i'll feel bad later on when i've remembered 😅
It's interesting, idk if it's just a more common opinion or a more vocal group, but I only see that people don't want to change villager's interiors. It's interesting to me because it's a feature that the developers worked on, and people try so hard to not let it happen. I love giving my villagers things they request. Bugs and fish included. I don't think it's possible to "ruin" their home. They're displaying a gift from me. I find it endearing and I appreciate the programming work put in to make it possible. But yeah, as said before, they will have a chance to display anything you give/deliver/catch for them, so that's up to you.
It's interesting, idk if it's just a more common opinion or a more vocal group, but I only see that people don't want to change villager's interiors. It's interesting to me because it's a feature that the developers worked on, and people try so hard to not let it happen. I love giving my villagers things they request. Bugs and fish included. I don't think it's possible to "ruin" their home. They're displaying a gift from me. I find it endearing and I appreciate the programming work put in to make it possible. But yeah, as said before, they will have a chance to display anything you give/deliver/catch for them, so that's up to you.
Personally, I like giving them decorations that look nice in their house, but I don't like when they have a bunch of random stuff that doesn't much their interiors. I'm a very visual person, though, who spends way too much time decorating my island so I'm super picky. I'm not as particular as some people, though, who seem to find it a cardinal sin to change ANYTHING about their homes. Like I said- I like giving them cute stuff. Like I gave Carrie a Rodeo springy ride-on for her baby to use, it looked adorable ☺

And... I hadn't thought of it, but I should totally give Vic a fish. He lives by the ocean, he's a viking, he needs a fish buddy.
I ignored all of those bug/fish catching requests since launch. Also ignored the delivery requests for the same reason and eventually I thought “how bad can it be? I’m just gonna do this one”. The next day I saw Julian in a hotdog outfit and he was kicked out of town shortly after.
Thanks everyone for your opinions appreciated. I Like to giving them what they ask for. If we refuse to give it to them , may be we loose our friendship points , not sure though
I accept fish/bugs requests from my original 5 islanders, since that way their house can be unique from the standard starter house. I usually don't like the tanks/cages they are displayed on, so I refuse sometimes for the other 5. For the other requests, I complete them and pray that it isn't an ugly/mismatching outfit/item haha If it is, I just tell them that they don't look good and that usually means they won't use that piece of clothing frequently- and some time later they'll give/sell it to me. I'll see them using it from time and time and just be like "please Zucker stop wearing that ugly blouse and wear all the other clothes I have gifted you" while my mother laughs at me.

At the end of the day, the islanders having a mix of their original (or starters) homes and the furniture that happens to be added makes them unique. It makes the Angus or the Mathilda that live on my island feel that they are really my neighbors- different from all the other Angus and Mathilda out there.
If we refuse to give it to them , may be we loose our friendship points , not sure though

I don't remember for sure if it affects friendships points, but if it does it's so insignificant that you're still able to obtain their photos as per usual. I always turn them down, but I still obtain their photo very quickly by gifting them foreign fruits everyday.
It's interesting, idk if it's just a more common opinion or a more vocal group, but I only see that people don't want to change villager's interiors. It's interesting to me because it's a feature that the developers worked on, and people try so hard to not let it happen. I love giving my villagers things they request. Bugs and fish included. I don't think it's possible to "ruin" their home. They're displaying a gift from me. I find it endearing and I appreciate the programming work put in to make it possible. But yeah, as said before, they will have a chance to display anything you give/deliver/catch for them, so that's up to you.
I agree with you, I love giving villagers bugs and fish they’ve requested. I really don’t care about controlling everything that’s in their house. When I gift them items, I do enjoy looking for items that I think they’d like and would look good in their home, but otherwise I give them what they want. Same when they receive a piece of clothing from a different villager that I’ve been asked to deliver. I always just let them wear it, whether I like it or not, just because it’s part of the game!
as much as I want to accept villager requests because I just love doing those kind of things, I usually avoid it because I don't want to mess up their homes. I don't usually mind gifting villagers furniture but after Fang had a sea bass sat in his house for months on end.. never again
It's interesting, idk if it's just a more common opinion or a more vocal group, but I only see that people don't want to change villager's interiors. It's interesting to me because it's a feature that the developers worked on, and people try so hard to not let it happen. I love giving my villagers things they request. Bugs and fish included. I don't think it's possible to "ruin" their home. They're displaying a gift from me. I find it endearing and I appreciate the programming work put in to make it possible. But yeah, as said before, they will have a chance to display anything you give/deliver/catch for them, so that's up to you.

Some villagers have really nice homes as is. Having them throw away a bed or a table to make room for a sea bass is just sad. The only time I'm okay with gifting them something is if they have terrible houses. Villagers like Ankha and Chief to name a few. The worst part of all is when a villager gets rid of their music player.

ETA: Gift away to starter villagers. Their houses are a lost cause.

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Thanks everyone for your opinions appreciated. I Like to giving them what they ask for. If we refuse to give it to them , may be we loose our friendship points , not sure though

I don't have anything regarding this, but I don't think you lose any by refusing a request. You're more likely to lose points by accepting the request and then bailing on it.
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I basically tell them that I'll catch it for them , and then never do 😂

No way I'm going to let them ruin their houses with fish tanks.
I don't remember for sure if it affects friendships points, but if it does it's so insignificant that you're still able to obtain their photos as per usual. I always turn them down, but I still obtain their photo very quickly by gifting them foreign fruits everyday.

Good to know that, that’s why I was wondering about. Today in the morning fauna requested to catch squid for her and I went with second option for the first time
To echo earlier posts, regarding friendship points, according to data-miners (friendship.html), you don't lose points if you decline the request.

The last 3 requests I've completed, the villagers have *not* displayed the fish or bug in their house.

Mallary wanted an ocean fish (I gave her a red snapper) and I actually got a photo back this way
Poppy wanted a sea butterfly
Molly wanted a wharf roach

I had previously given all of these villagers other furniture, so I don't know if they may have displayed the creatures if they had an empty space (which all ungifted villagers have by default). I seem to recall fulfilling a request for one of my starter villagers and her displaying it, so starter houses may factor in too, I don't really know for sure.

I would still advise declining the request if you are concerned about them possibly displaying them but just thought I'd share my experience.
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To echo earlier posts, regarding friendship points, according to data-miners (friendship.html), you don't lose points if you decline the request.

The last 3 requests I've completed, the villagers have *not* displayed the fish or bug in their house.

Mallary wanted an ocean fish (I gave her a red snapper) and I actually got a photo back this way
Poppy wanted a sea butterfly
Molly wanted a wharf roach

I had previously given all of these villagers other furniture, so I don't know if they may have displayed the creatures if they had an empty space (which all ungifted villagers have by default). I seem to recall fulfilling a request for one of my starter villagers and her displaying it, so starter houses may factor in too, I don't really know for sure.

I would still advise declining the request if you are concerned about them possibly displaying them but just thought I'd share my experience.

What is the difference between gifted and ungifted villagers?
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What is the difference between gifted and gifted villagers?

If you've never given your villagers any gifts (be it clothes, tools, furniture, creatures, etc) they are considered "ungifted" or "original". If you've given your villagers any of these gifts, they are "gifted".

All villagers have at least one empty 1x1 space in their house. We can call it a "free space" or a "blank space". If you give them any 1x1 gift (whether it be clothes, tools, or furniture), they will usually display the gift in that blank space.

If you continue to give them gifts, they can either replace the old gifts, or replace their pre-existing furniture. There's a whole thread that goes deep into detail here:

I'm not sure if the fish/bug requests would go in the free space or not because my villagers didn't have the free space open when I fulfilled the request. In my case, they didn't replace their existing furniture with the bug/fish, but I can't say for sure that wouldn't happen for someone else because I don't think there's been any consensus or data-mining on it.
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Wow I didn’t know that I was gifting the clothes and other things to my villagers everyday but now I have started giving them fruits because I want their photos
Good to know that , thanks for the information appreciated @Etown20