Villager’s request

Wow I didn’t know that I was gifting the clothes and other things to my villagers everyday but now I have started giving them fruits because I want their photos
Good to know that , thanks for the information appreciated @Etown20

No problem! I like giving my villagers clothes and furniture items, but I know some people don't and want to keep their house/wardrobe in original condition, so it's all just a matter of personal preference.
I used to complete all the villager requests but in general I now only complete the delivering a gift from one villager to another, most of the time its clothing that really doesn't suit them but I find with my villagers that they never wear it again anyway. I don't often complete the bug/fish requests anymore unless its something I already have in storage and that I think would fit nicely into their homes.

Also agree with others that gifting fruit is a good way to increase friendship without ruining any villagers wardrobe or house interior.
Yes they will place them in their homes. I usually allow my villagers to have at least one pet, since I think its cute. I like it when they let me choose the bug or fish because then I can give them one that fits their aesthetic, but if they really want a stink bug (and they don't have any other pets) I will give them one lol

Also pro tip- if a villager asks for a river or ocean fish you can give them a large fish (like a shark or arapaima) and they will NOT place it in their house. Plus it gives you good friendship points!
I don't usually get them fish because I'm lazy. :p But I will do the clothing/gift requests for them to other villagers. I like giving them clothes too, so their interiors aren't perfect, but I don't mind.