gigi was in my city folk town and when i started my new leaf town she was a starter!! really cool :> i love my new leaf gigi a lot more than my city folk one because we aren't really that great friends in cf...
Not sure if this counts, but I remember a while after Poppy moved into my NL town, she moved into my CF town. I'm pretty sure I've had Stitches in WW and NL, though.
She was a starter in my New Leaf town, before moving into my Wild World town. And I've had her hundreds of times in City Folk. Becky also stalked me for a while back. Every time I would make a new City Folk town, she would be there. Now I haven't seen her in a while.
Well for a villager that in both WW and Nl without me going and get them, I had Buck in both towns. But I've gone and gotten Jeremiah, who was in my GC game, Poncho and Ruby, who were both in my WW game :]