Villagers will never move out unless you confirm with them first.

This is amazing news! One thing that crosses my mind -

In New Leaf you could tell someone not to move and then if you saved and quit nobody would ever move until the next time you played because the next move out wasn't triggered yet. Is that what's happening here basically?
I guess it works out to the same thing in practice, except you don't have to actually do anything to trigger this. It seems to just be a feature of this game, thankfully.
I love the first screenshot, it looks like Gayle became a successful business woman in the 40 years you were gone and she's pumped to catch up!

That or she's getting ready to scam you into buying from her essential oil pyramid scheme. "Oh wow, it's been ages! You're looking a little tired and aged after all this time... You know what you need? Lavender essential oil. It's only 39.99$ for a 30 ML bottle, and I have it in my purse right here... I'll throw in an extra bottle if you purchase 10. It's a great deal, really!"
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Do you know if the cycle of 16 villagers exists, or the can come back earlier?
Ah, I thought it would be a ping like in New Leaf where they run up to you! I ignored Diva when she had a thought bubble bc I just wanted her out but she had it for hours. She doesn't have it anymore though so maybe it was just a regular request?
Honestly that’s such good news! I don’t think I’ll TT in New Horizons that much, but when I do it’s nice to know I won’t have to worry as much
Oh gosh really? This is amazing
No longer will I have to worry about my dreamies moving out randomly when messing around with TTing
Thank you nintendo T_T
This is the best news ever. My favorite villager in NL moved away and honestly I did cry because it felt like a real best friend moving away. I can't play that now because it just doesn't feel the same without him. I just don't think the player should be punished if they don't feel like playing every day or if they're too busy. This is one of the best features in this game. Already liking it so much more compared to NL.
I, too, have had a tragic TT accident in ACNL. I may complain a tad that parts of the game are hand-holdey when it comes to island customization, but I totally agree with this choice on the developers' part!!!
I saw another comment about that but it's nice to see it confirmed again.
I'm glad they changed the move out to be more friendly to users. :)
Wow, this is such a great change. One of the absolute worst aspects of NL was the risk of villagers moving out if we let our guards down. I spent such a long time finding all of my dreamies (without TT) and I had FINALLY managed to find Tia, only for her to move out a month later when I couldn't check in on my town for a few days. I was so devastated. ;_;

Seems that won't be a fear I have to live with anymore, which is awesome!
This one change makes me forget all the cuts and now I have to say this is my favorite animal crossing game of all time. Im going to play this game hardocre for atleast 5 years.
This is good news as the ability to control moving seems like it should be a constant in these games.

I'll cycle through villagers, especially at first before I get attached, only keeping my day ones permenantly.

You hear that Bill and Hazel? You're going NOWHERE.
Thanks for checking! That's a relief for whenever you'll return in the future. :blush:
Well, that's a huge relief and step up from the previous Animal Crossing games! I did not enjoy having to worry if a favorite villager that took forever to get moved out because I wanted to give the game a long break or wanted to time travel. I'm glad Nintendo decided to remove that feature. At the same time, imagine if the same applied to real life and none of your neighbors could move out until you gave them your permission.
Excellent! This is totally awesome. It's going to be a lot easy to keep things under control.

The island they truly can't leave unless you confirm with the IR. That's the best.
Great news. I hated that because of the old system the time till someone moved out was set to 10 with the amiibo update. For non time travelers that was awful long
This is wonderful news! I'm so tired of having to check on my villagers every single time I play New Leaf.
This is wonderful news! But it puts a lot less pressure on playing every day.
This changes everything because one thing that bothered me about New Leaf was when villagers would randomly move away if you didn’t play for like 3 days and a new villager would randomly plop their house anywhere. I vividly remember being really pissed when Benjamin built his house on rare and only blue rose *~*