I miss vine so much like I would literally come home from school and spend HOURS re-vining stuff. I literally have over 100 vine URLs in my notes on my phone.
oh man. i watch at least one vine compilation on youtube per day. i miss vine so much lol
my favourites are: if you touch me again im gonna rip your fujhgvhing face off, rebecca its not what you think, welcome to the bible study were all children of jesus, i couldve dropped my croissant!, that girl saying if you wanna fight me then fight me, waddup im jared im 19, bop it twist it pull it, they are my crocs, look at this graph, the dude with the hoodie and ears, look at all those chickens, is that a WEED IM CALLING THE POLICE, FRESH AVOCADO and oh man now i need to watch another vine compilation and laugh for 20 minutes straight