visit my dreamtown!!


Junior Member
Feb 28, 2016
my dream address is 5100-6301-2595.
I'm mayor Crystal from town Magic!!

My town is a serious work in progress, but it is a perfect town and I think my house is pretty okay so check that out!

I wish I could hack but I have no idea how so my town is completely hack free!

I'd love to visit peoples' towns so if you want my friend code feel free to ask.

I also am looking for people who might be willing to catalog any DLC's they have. I have the cherry blossom clock and rainbow screen so I could trade or buy them!
I really want the aurora screen, sprout table, leaf bed, capricorn ornament, tokonoma, hot plate, kadomatsu, and kagamimochi. It'd be cool to have the other ones too because you can't get them anymore.

:~ )
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welcome to tbt! ill be sure to visit your town soon ♡

my town is a bit mess atm, but im sure we can hang out later !!
Welcome to the forums! :D

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I would visit but I don't have the dream suite because I just started a new town.