Visitors needed

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Lars, thanks for let me visit your town, yesterday. Sorry if i have been very slow typing in chat, with the veeery small keyboard of 3ds xD
Can I come to ur town. I'm free right now. I wrote on my thread but was not sure if u would get it so I figured I would right it on here
Want me to come to your town 4 times and I don't need anything because this is for free.
sure, come over 4 times.

and also, you need to visit 10 times to get a free gift.
sure, come over 4 times.

and also, you need to visit 10 times to get a free gift.

I just said I didn't want anything, and let me know when you're open.
I can also do this again later
ok, and what item would you like to get for your 10th visit ?
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