Viva Pinata coming to DS... confirming: ...

You my friend are wrong. It is a Rare game. Rare is owned by Mircosoft but they are free to create DS or PSP games since Mircosoft doesn't have a handheld as of now.

But Hoooaray!
You guys have obviously not noticed one very important detail... Rare isn't making PSP games. Do you know why? Because Microsoft considers Sony their biggest competition, so they're allowing Rare to make DS games to wipe the PSP on the floor, a huge blow to Sony.
Bulerias said:
You guys have obviously not noticed one very important detail... Rare isn't making PSP games. Do you know why? Because Microsoft considers Sony their biggest competition, so they're allowing Rare to make DS games to wipe the PSP on the floor, a huge blow to Sony.
Missed that D=
OddCrazyMe said:
You my friend are wrong. It is a Rare game. Rare is owned by Mircosoft but they are free to create DS or PSP games since Mircosoft doesn't have a handheld as of now.

But Hoooaray!
If there was going to be a Microsoft handheld, they would most likely wait for it to make the game instead of making it for the DS.


I was right. It's like when someone says Halo is a Microsoft game. Close enough.
Bulerias said:
You guys have obviously not noticed one very important detail... Rare isn't making PSP games. Do you know why? Because Microsoft considers Sony their biggest competition, so they're allowing Rare to make DS games to wipe the PSP on the floor, a huge blow to Sony.
An enemy of an enemy is... kinda a friend in videos games...