Vote For TBT in ZBTZ Board Awards *CHAMPIONSHIP*!

Voted in the Semis, Good Luck!
I think the Naruto forum looks amazing, we might have some competition!
I'm slightly worried... the other 2 battle threads for semi-finals have 315 and 475 views, but our thread has over 6000... let's hope the difference is all of our members :)
DarthGohan1 said:
I'm slightly worried... the other 2 battle threads for semi-finals have 315 and 475 views, but our thread has over 6000... let's hope the difference is all of our members :)

That can't be good...
Silverstorms said:
DarthGohan1 said:
I'm slightly worried... the other 2 battle threads for semi-finals have 315 and 475 views, but our thread has over 6000... let's hope the difference is all of our members :)

That can't be good...
Oops, I meant 600 lol
Not thatttt bad :p
Draco Roar said:
How do I vote...Theres competing boards...but... It says it's read only when I try to post.
Did you register at that forum first?