Whoever guessed Helix from ARMS, just know I am with you! I considered all the arms characters I could find, but the colors just didn’t seem right, but it certainly explained that ellipse behind the character!
I feel like every time I thought I had a good guess, my mind would think of another character and if I squinted a little, it would seem like it would fit!
Eventually I just picked one of my guesses from random because I assumed none of them were right (and they weren’t, which is somewhat relieving! It’s always worse when you think of the right answer and then convince yourself otherwise)
I feel like every time I thought I had a good guess, my mind would think of another character and if I squinted a little, it would seem like it would fit!
Eventually I just picked one of my guesses from random because I assumed none of them were right (and they weren’t, which is somewhat relieving! It’s always worse when you think of the right answer and then convince yourself otherwise)