Wagon of Mirrors - That's All, Folks!

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95% sure I'm wrong, but time is running out and I need to enter something for the raffle at least 😖
I just entered for a raffle ticket. I spent some time looking around as I think I'm recognising something... but no luck!
As opposed to the people seemingly confident in their answers, I'm pretty sure I'm wrong, but we'll see in less than half an hour. I certainly didn't find it easy but saw something and was just like "Eh I'll give it a shot." Maybe it was one of the other possibilities I came up with. More likely I expect it to be something I didn't and wouldn't even think of.
Just 20 more minutes and I'll find out if I was right. I'm so excited!
👻 Challenge #1 👻
What Nintendo Character Is This?


👻 The Reveal 👻

Well done Firesquids for submitting the first correct guess in just 6 minutes!
Correct AnswersIncorrect Answers
Most Popular Incorrect Answers
Favourite Incorrect Answers
Zipper T. Bunny​
Zipper T. Bunny​
A Pikmin carrying something​
Happy Mask Salesman​
(Cat) Bowser (Jr.)​
Calamity Ganon from Mosaic Tapestry​

This mirror was created by Mistreil -- send your appreciation or rage towards them!

Correct submissions will be accepted by myself later today, which will earn you 4 Carnival Coins and 1 Sideshow Ticket. If your submission has not been accepted by tomorrow and you believe there has been a mistake, please message me then.
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I was one of the Luigi guessers, but I saw the Zipper face there too. 😅 Congrats to the people who got this one right!
it took me a bit of time because i felt like i couldn't find the exact render of oatchi that my brain assumed the mirror was using 😵
YES I WAS RIGHT! i still don't know how, since i've never played a pikmin game, but i managed to recognize the eyes immediately. ready to get the next two wrong now <3
I knew I was completely wrong the second I looked at the image from the side LMAO but I'd already submitted my guess
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I knew that I couldn’t get it right. The mirrors pick obscure Nintendo characters, and I haven’t played enough of Nintendo to know these.

Pikmin is of low priority to me.
I knew it! I saw it right away but couldn't remember the name or where I had seen the character. Not that it matters though since I forgot to make a submission anyway.
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