p sure they're not. as murray said, the map is only for choosing the environment, and houses are placed to a fixed terrain. you can't walk around the town, and there no wifi connectivity to visit other people so there's no reason for unique maps
plus, the treehouse video, japanese trailer and official screenshot all show the same map. i doubt it's a coincidence
I think the top screencap that Jake just posted pretty much confirms that you can't walk around villager houses. See how in the background (where the trees are) there seems to be a cluster of houses that is just repeated? This means that the surroundings of the house are already determined and not influenced by what you place/build, i.e. it's pre-generated pattern.
I kind of imagine this game as animals from different towns coming to Nook's Homes and asking you to build houses. So you're traveling between different towns (all with the same layout), but the animals you meet will come and hang out in the "hub" (Main Street area where all the shops, custom buildings, etc. are).
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