Walk around map/town?

p sure they're not. as murray said, the map is only for choosing the environment, and houses are placed to a fixed terrain. you can't walk around the town, and there no wifi connectivity to visit other people so there's no reason for unique maps

plus, the treehouse video, japanese trailer and official screenshot all show the same map. i doubt it's a coincidence


I think the top screencap that Jake just posted pretty much confirms that you can't walk around villager houses. See how in the background (where the trees are) there seems to be a cluster of houses that is just repeated? This means that the surroundings of the house are already determined and not influenced by what you place/build, i.e. it's pre-generated pattern.

I kind of imagine this game as animals from different towns coming to Nook's Homes and asking you to build houses. So you're traveling between different towns (all with the same layout), but the animals you meet will come and hang out in the "hub" (Main Street area where all the shops, custom buildings, etc. are).
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I'm not sure... in the Treehouse video, there was a path leading somewhere, but they didn't show it off. Not confirming it or assuming it, but maybe it's just not ready to be shown off. I'm sure we'll get more info when it comes out in Japan next month.
I'm not sure... in the Treehouse video, there was a path leading somewhere, but they didn't show it off. Not confirming it or assuming it, but maybe it's just not ready to be shown off. I'm sure we'll get more info when it comes out in Japan next month.

If you mean the path on the left that leads upwards, pretty sure that's the road the car travels on.
I feel like walking around could be cool, but its a spin off. If i want these features ill just play new leaf
Wander around the map </3

Ive been reading a bunch of posts and the main thing iʻm getting is that you wont be able to wander around the village to see the homes that you create. that super bums me out just cause in the videos, seeing the process of choosing where the character will live, the town looks so pretty with different levels (not like CF) but like living below the cliffs and on the beach. It would be amazing to be able to wander around and see your work all at once:)
I think the top screencap that Jake just posted pretty much confirms that you can't walk around villager houses. See how in the background (where the trees are) there seems to be a cluster of houses that is just repeated? This means that the surroundings of the house are already determined and not influenced by what you place/build, i.e. it's pre-generated pattern.

I kind of imagine this game as animals from different towns coming to Nook's Homes and asking you to build houses. So you're traveling between different towns (all with the same layout), but the animals you meet will come and hang out in the "hub" (Main Street area where all the shops, custom buildings, etc. are).

This makes since. I assume you would just be going to "different towns" to design these houses.
I'm not sure, but I doubt it. I know that lady purposely didn't leave the square for some reason so, I guess it would be a giveaway if the did lol. We'll see though! I'm exited!