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Wanna download Bestbuy DLC from your home?

Tried this out yesterday and it works! When i found this out on tumblr I was so happy that I could stay home in my bed.
Please note: Tether for iPhone does not have a free trial, at the moment.

Changing my iPhone name and using its personal hotspot won't work, I suppose?

EDIT: changed my iphone's name to "Bestbuy" and left the personal hotspot's password as it was (only low case letters, idk if that makes much of a difference) and got the clock!!!!!!!
dancing in joy
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I'm out of the house right now, but I seriously need to try this as soon as I get home! Thanks for posting this ^_^
Just a note, I was attempting to do this with tethering, but while still within range of my regular wifi. It would not work that way. Waited until going out to attempt the tethering again, and it then worked. So you just gotta make sure that it's only going over the "Bestbuy" network and there are no others available.

Correct. When you've setup a New Internet Connection w/ the 3DS to your tethered phone's "Bestbuy" wifi Network, the 3DS will still select the Network w/ the strongest signal- move out of range or temp. turn off your router.

...I was so happy that I could stay home in my bed.

Mhuahahahaha! ^_^
Hurhur.The only person who can touch deh router is my dad.No luck for me :p I'll just ask my parents to take me to Best Buys whenever we go near one.
I changed the SSID but when I try to make a new connection it has the old SSID...
do you think because I live in Hawaii it won't work for me? Like how it doesn't work for other countries?
This so works! Thanks a million Wish! :D

After taking a day long road trip on Sunday to get the DLC at Best Buy in Brampton (which didn't work and no one there knew anything about it - although they did try to help) and to join the Canadian Meet Up in Scarborough which was fun despite the fact the Nintendo Rep never did arrive and then driving to Best Buy in Barrie only to fail once again to get the DLC (the employee there did know what he was doing and was very, very nice and tried his best but still no luck) to think this was all we had to do!! *does a happy dance* Oh, my router is password protected and I did not need to remove the password. I just needed to change the SSID name and all of a sudden the Nintendo Zone app started to pulse with the blue light around it. I did have to go into the settings on my 3DS and connect to this "new" network and put in my old password then I went into the game, to the Post Office and viola!
Strange, I'm changed the SSID, but for some reason it doesn't work for me, It keeps telling me there's no access point in range.....
I changed the SSID but when I try to make a new connection it has the old SSID...
do you think because I live in Hawaii it won't work for me? Like how it doesn't work for other countries?

Strange, I'm changed the SSID, but for some reason it doesn't work for me, It keeps telling me there's no access point in range.....

Snail & Farmboy:

You have to CREATE a New Connection in your 3DS Internet Settings folder (remember, it can store 3x different connections). When the 3DS scans for access points, it should see your "Bestbuy" network. Obviously, we're not sure if this works everywhere. Good luck!

Cake, do you have a modern Android phone? It has an option to tether by default. Click HERE for some pics & instructions. Good luck!
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Just have to turn the password off and make it Bestbuy - that is crazy that it works! Saves me a trip to Bestbuy! Sweet!
Got it to work and I am beyond technologically challenged! Just googled how to change the SSID on the brand of router that I had, did that, then followed the directions in the post. Raccoon clock is mine!
I tethered my android phone as best buy and got Raccoon clock. I'll probably be booted fromy service though. Its against the ToS to tether

Just have to turn the password off and make it Bestbuy - that is crazy that it works! Saves me a trip to Bestbuy! Sweet!

Noooo. Leave the password on. Its for your network safety.. I had a password on my tethered hotspot and it worked
My router has a "guest" option that will allow users to connect to the Internet without getting access to any of my networked devices. I have set the guest network to "attwifi" with no password so that my 3DS thinks it is always in a Nintendo Zone. Don't do this if you can't set up a guest system.
It's sad that this seems to be the only certain way to get the DLC. I went to my local Best Buy and their router was named "BestBuyConnect-FreeWifi," which is against the specific SSID required to receive the DLC. Changed my router at home, and poof, got what I wanted.

Both Nintendo and Bestbuy need to actually communicate to each other on how this works, cause this is embarrassing for both of them. Don't put giant posters in a store advertising something that won't work at that store.
I'll be sure to try this, but I may visit a best buy soon anyway, what countries, or provinces have it available at the actual stores? (I'm ontario Canada)
I'll be sure to try this, but I may visit a best buy soon anyway, what countries, or provinces have it available at the actual stores? (I'm ontario Canada)

Head to Nintendo's website; they have a Nintendo Zone location help page. Good luck, you have until tomorrow!
It doesn't work for me. :( I'm in Ontario, Canada so I'm not sure if that matters or not.

I changed the SSID of my router to Bestbuy, added it as a new connection, but I get error code 013-9202 "Could not connect to Nintendo Zone"

I also tried temporarily removing the password on my router and still no luck :(