Wanna Wi-Fi?

Sure but it isn't raining in my town so catching Coelcanth's a no-no at the moment. It's really cloudy in both my town and City though so...it could rain sometime later.

Anyway, I'll need to add you before opening my gates. If anyone else wants to come over, just say so. :)

Edit: Gates. Are. Open!
MrCrazyDavis said:
Can I visit you soon? It's raining atm, so I'm trying to catch a Coelacanth.
They appear after 4 pm. You should know this by now. >.>
Sure, but would it be possible to visit you guys first?

Anyway, I'm up for some more Wi-Fi. Anyone want to visit or be visited today?
I would but not now as I'm gonna have dinner. Plus I'm gonna be busy afterwards...I also have an annoying headache too... >_<

Well, I'm better now so if anyone wants to Wi-Fi tomorrow, just ask!
Ehh, I haven't had as much chance to go on Wi-Fi lately, due to me working and all. I'll try to get on as much as possible people. Just post here or PM me if you wanna Wi-Fi! :)
Sure, I'll mostly start WiFi-ing between 4-5pm my time. But if you or anyone else wants to visit me or open their gates before that time then that would be cool too.