Want a drawing?


Junior Member
Jan 30, 2012
Throwback Tickets
0% (0) +
Well you can get one! I'll be opening commissions for 10-50+ bells! The prices aren't TOO bad, I hope! Here they are!
10 bells for line art (Traditional OR Digital)
Example: [Coming soon]
15 bells for Traditional plain coloring
Example: [Coming soon]
20 bells for Traditional coloring WITH shading
Example: [Coming soon]
30 bells for Digital plain coloring
Example: [Coming soon]
40 bells for Digital coloring WITH shading
Example: [Coming soon]
+ 15 bells - Additional person/animal
Example: [Coming soon]
+ 5 bells - Chibi
Example: [Coming soon]
*NEW* 10 bells for a Lineless icon
Example: My icon is a lineless icon
20 bells for an Animated icon
Example: [Coming soon]

And if you're confused as to what the "+ 20/5 bells for so&so" what I mean by that is, for example, if you ask for a Traditional plain coloring(15 bells) but also the people/animals are chibis and there is three of the people/animals in the request, that would be 50 bells! Here is the math.
15bells(Trad. plain color)
+30bells(two additional characters)
+5bells(Chibi style only counts as one whole)
=50 bells in total!
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This is in the wrong thread.

Not to be rude or anything, but actually this is in the proper board since it requires TBT bells to get a drawing; some of the well known Signature makers made a thread in the Marketplace where users pay TBT bells for a signature (until they decide it should be free).
Not to be rude or anything, but actually this is in the proper board since it requires TBT bells to get a drawing; some of the well known Signature makers made a thread in the Marketplace where users pay TBT bells for a signature (until they decide it should be free).

Oh ok. I wasn't really sure.
^_^' *sweatdrop*

@ShinyPants: When will put up exsamples?
I'd like to see what you can do before desiding if I want one.
You should post some of your sample work first because it will help others and you as well.If your sample work will be liked by others then you can easily sell them here..!!