Was it just me or did the net tool break at a faster than normal rate for Festivale?


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2012
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Silver Mailbox
See thread title. Before I started the Festivale event I had five rows of nets in my closet, mostly from crafting for the nook mile achievement. Now I'm down to less than one. I was doing Festivale throughout the day in and out because I had other stuff to do so I wasn't keeping track, but now that I'm wrapping up I feel like the nets broke faster than they should've. I had normal nets, not flimsy or golden and none of them were previously used. I don't think I got at least 100 catches out of any of them. or did I and just didn't notice it?
See thread title. Before I started the Festivale event I had five rows of nets in my closet, mostly from crafting for the nook mile achievement. Now I'm down to less than one. I was doing Festivale throughout the day in and out because I had other stuff to do so I wasn't keeping track, but now that I'm wrapping up I feel like the nets broke faster than they should've. I had normal nets, not flimsy or golden and none of them were previously used. I don't think I got at least 100 catches out of any of them. or did I and just didn't notice it?
Normal nets have 30 durability.
I personally didn't notice any difference. I only went through one net anyway since I customize mine to reset the durability cycle :)
I think it just seems like it because we were constantly using it.
I noticed this too. I thought that nets from Nook’s cranny had a durability of 100 like the ones you can craft yourself, but it didn’t seem like it was the case, yesterday. I don’t think they would have diminished nets’ durability with the new update, so it’s more likely that durability was never 100 in the first place. It was only a wrong assumption, I guess.
My net broke after barely any use.

If they don't make it so tools don't break I'm done for good.

It's not enjoyable.
It's an annoyance.
A neverending grind.

This is why I avoid just about everything in NH, because they've taken the fun out of it.
I don't really worry about the breaking tools at all really, pocket space is so much in this game. I just buy 4 of whatever I need and I rarely have the attention span to use all 4 at once and I still don't run out of pocket space lol
i was noticing this too on my new island. i went through like 3 new nets just to get the rainbow items and the float. i didnt post about it because i thought it was just me but i guess it isnt
before the event, i about 4 nets and i think i went though about 3 of them
my third didn't break before i finished the event and i got loads of feathers for later plus my sister gave me a bunch of rainbow ones so i didn't need to carry on
I mean, I was just using the flimsy nets because I already expected them to break quickly. So, needless to say, I had several break, but I didn't mind. I've been trying to burn through all the stacks of tree branches that are taking up my storage space, anyway. I would craft a stacks-worth of 6 flimsy nets at a time, so it was more fast and efficient. Better than using up iron nuggets or a gold nugget to make a more durable net, in my opinion.
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Yes, the feathers seemed to do more damage to the net. I noticed when I was using the flimsy net, it only lasted for maybe 4 or 5 feathers. Maybe it's the same for bugs, but I just don't catch that many bugs. I think I used 4 nets during Festivale.
My net broke just before I started the event while I was catching some bugs so I crafted a new one which lasted the whole event (it was a gold one though so would've had longer durability) - I don't really mind when my tools break though as I want to complete all the achievements and I need to craft a lot of tools for one of them, plus as someone else has said I also have a lot of wood/branches to use up.
Kind of wish the durability was excluded from catching things like feathers. It wasn't too much of a problem though since I could repair them.

You will have to repair the net at least 1 time unless you're playing for all colors. Since you can trade your villagers for colors, it takes 27 assorted feather colors to obtain all the rewards in a single color. If you're lucky, you may have found 3 rainbow feathers. That will be 30 uses alone. If you're not as lucky, it will take at most 12 feathers to make 3 rainbow feathers. So as long as you repair your net after getting all the rewards, you'll be fine.

When I did the event a second time, I just bought 2 nets from the shop and didn't worry about them breaking.

ETA: if your net breaks before you can repair it, and you have no spare, it takes but 5 sticks to make a flimsy one until you get a chance to get a new one. If you have a shovel, find a rock. 1 piece of iron can upgrade that flimsy net to a normal one.
I hate to burst your bubble but its always been like this since day one. There is no indication when your tools are like about to break and its hard to tell if the tool you're using is fresh or not. The only way to counter this is to customize your tool by a nearby crafting bench that way it restarts the durability of the tools. Its 2021 and we still have to deal with breaking tools. I had 2 Golden Nets when catching feathers and they all broke. Its so annoying!
I used my piles of sticks in my inventory for my nets and just used the flimsy net most of the day. I went through over 130 easy.