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Wasps are jerks

I must get lucky because I get really close and kill them and they never try to chase me. I've knocked down their hives and killed them. They don't even try to get me.
Yeah they are, they freak me out even though I know you should just be still and they will leave. Thankfully I've only been stung twice in my life so...
Why is there a wasp in your room? o_O

happens. they tend to crawl in through vents or just sneak in unannounced when you open the door and you dont realize theyre there for a bit. they tend to nest in the little upper corner of the front door
i don't know if it was a wasp or a yellow jacket, but something tried to build a nest on the kitchen door. i knocked the nest down while it was away and thankfully it hasn't tried again.
Wasps are actually beneficial! During early summer they pollinate plants and flowers just like bees! So while they are jerks sometimes, it's best to not harm them :D
Why is there a wasp in your room? o_O

I live in my houses second floor, so they're always somehow finding their way into my room and hallway.

One time there was like 7 wasps in my room when I walked in, I panicked and fell down my stairs.
When I was a kid I was playing outside, and I climbed this apple tree but I guess some wasps had a nest around there and they swarmed me and chased me home. I've been afraid ever since.
Anyways, I forgot to mention that there's a wasp nest right under the railing of the staircase at the back door of my house. I never go through that door in fears of getting stung by them.
I don't have any horror stories as I've never been stung (thankfully) but this summer, wasps were constantly trying to build nests on my house. My dad probably sprayed about 5 different nests before they finally gave up.

oh, and also, my brother walked into the house today with a wasp just freaking perched on his shoulder. He didn't know it was there. My mom yelled at him to go back outside.. if she hadn't seen the wasp, I don't know what would have happened, lol.
I don't remember if it was a bee or a wasp, but I got stung when I was five while playing in the garage. Otherwise, that's the only time I've ever gotten stung. I hate to mention though that there's a wasp nest right outside our front door. I'm always cautious when passing it by, but mostly I just make a run for it just in case if any are nearby. x'D
i agree, wasps SUCK. sure they do some good, probably, but that doesn't get rid of the ****ing painful stings i get
happens. they tend to crawl in through vents or just sneak in unannounced when you open the door and you dont realize theyre there for a bit. they tend to nest in the little upper corner of the front door
Ah that makes sense. Just seems like a hazard that needs to be taken care of!
Just recalled the time my friend and neighbour got stung. Her arm came up in this big red lump that looked like it was spreading. No idea what caused it as it was at the top of her arm so not near any veins and she doesn't appear allergic other than that reaction. She's been stung once since and didn't react like that.
Also remember summers (well September time) at school when the wasps were out in full force. That school yard was like a magnet for them and they were so aggressive. Just coming after people for no reason
I've never been stung by a bee or a wasp to date, though I have some interesting stories about them :

- on my first placement as an early education student, a wasp randomly flew into the kinder room during our lunch break between kinder sessions. We had a number of confirmed anaphylaxic children (though not to wasps) coming in the afternoon group, and the 3 staff members were varying degrees of scared-to-terrified of the wasp - and there were maybe 6 more wasps visible on the playground outside. Process of elimination left me the best choice to try and kill the wasp once they'd decided that should happen (I was the tallest and it was on the ceiling, and I wasn't terrified, basically). There wasn't time to call anyone else in, and a couple of staff were, frankly, approaching hysteria levels as time ticked on. So I climbed on a chair and swatted the wasp dead, then stood on it to make sure. The kinder door was carefully opened and closed to let each arrival in/out to stop any other wasps getting in, and we stayed inside the whole session for the only time ever that year. Expert advice was sought later in the day to deal with any further incidents, not that we had any.

- at a different workplace I was supervising a mixed age group of children outside with another educator in the late summer. There had been a *lot* of bees out a couple of weeks previous as a hive was apparently relocating and had set-up in a tree in the yard before moving on - so we had been stuck inside for much of that time. We were still being very watchful, though had not had any bee stings so far. We set up a water-play table and had only just turned the tap off when a child yelped in pain, clutching their hand that had been in the water. Somehow a bee had gotten to the water without anyone noticing. After the initial shock, the child was fine and fascinated by the dead bee lol, it ended up being a nice teachable moment for the children instead of an "incident".

- one day I was a nanny with my 2 year old charge at the local park, "fishing" in the muddy creek/puddle as we usually did, when I spotted a truly magnificent European wasp. I had never seen anything like it in real life, it was just huge and so beautiful in a terrifying way. Of course, Mr 2 did NOT want to stop "fishing" (waving around a muddy stick indiscriminately with much flapping), and I was not going to risk either of us getting stung. Luckily I only ever saw the 1 wasp, and I already had my phone camera out to take photos of Mr 2 playing to send to mum. So I took photos of the wasp and enticed Mr 2 to "help" me take more photos (whilst conveniently holding both his hands + body so he couldn't move too much). Once I had my balance and a good grip on Mr 2 (who was now determined to "fish" - catch - that wasp up, because toddlers don't do "easy" lol), I got us clear of that area and cuddled Mr 2 as he sobbed out his heartbreak. After *that* I took a deep breath then google-image-searched to find out wtf kind of wasp it was, then called my nanny mum to let her know, and she sent the photos to the local council as it was not a type of wasp known to be in the area. It was dealt with before anyone was injured, at least as far as I know.
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There was a wasps nest in my grandparents attic a month or two back. A bunch of them stung my grandad all over his arm. Once had been to the hospital, he went in the attic with a pole and a bunch of random 'chemicals' (because I don't know what he used) and took vengeance...Granddad II: The Waspening.

I also remember a while back, like 5+ years at least, I was just hanging around where I used to hang around and a ton of wasps just randomly turned up and covered a bench. There were literally thousands of them and looked like the bench was made of wasps. It was in a pretty public area and I remember some little girl minding her own business got attacked by a couple of them. She wasn't really close to the bench or anything, I assume she was just...I dunno, an easy target because wasps are dicks.
Some guy turned up eventually and 'gassed' them all.

Then there's just the ones that occasionally turn up in the house. For pretty much everything else, I don't mind just opening the window, closing the curtain and waiting for them to let themselves out...But I just know wasps are planning an intricate attack in an attempt to take my throne and rule my kingdom, so I take the initiative and introduce it to 900 pages of Lovecraft.
Oh well, I'm just glad we don't have those gigantic asian/japanese giant hornets here..
My boyfriend and I don't have wasps in our room. WE HAVE FREAKING HORNETS. By god, whenever I see them, I flip the heck out. They're building a nest somewhere outside our window in the apartment, I think. Hopefully it'll get too cold for them and they'll go into hibernation or whatever.
I think they're pretty cool, but only cuz they've never attacked me lol. Carpenter Bees have stung me before, but it wasn't their fault. One time I stepped on a poor bee while barefoot, another time I was walking and it flew into my face and we both panicked and it stung me. The third time, was back when I was a kid, I didn't quite understand how bees worked at the time. It was drowning in my swimming pool, and I let her climb out onto my finger, and she stung me. I still love all bees though.

Fun fact: I used the word "her" when talking about the bee, because only FEMALE Carpenter Bees can sting! Kinda nea, huh?
Our neighbour most definitely has a wasps nest in their tree (which is hanging over on to our garden). They're all over the place again this morning, he's doing work in the garden so I think he's disturbed the nest. One came flying into the house earlier while I had the door open and I'm paranoid about getting stung again, they're always stinging me. Also worried about the dog stepping on one, since a lot of them seem to be dying and they're crawling on the paths
Umm once I was walking through my yard barefoot and I stepped on one. :C Most painful sting of my life!