water pt2: the brand debate

which brand tastes better?

  • evian

    Votes: 4 6.7%
  • fiji

    Votes: 6 10.0%
  • smart water

    Votes: 5 8.3%
  • aquafina

    Votes: 3 5.0%
  • voss

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • arrowhead

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • box water

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • dasani

    Votes: 3 5.0%
  • other

    Votes: 15 25.0%
  • bottled water is a scam they all taste the same

    Votes: 22 36.7%

  • Total voters

g u a v a

bonk fruit
Jun 12, 2013
Shiitake Plushroom
Toy Duck Plush
Bee Plush
Tricolored Puppy Plush
hello i am back

okay, so this time, bottled water snobs rise up!!

personally i think they all taste the same but im partial to evian i guess.
Most of the ones I've tried were good but I'll go with Kirkland since that's what I usually buy

The only really distinct-tasting one to me is Arrowhead because it's disgusting
I've had several different brands and they all tasted the same to me except for Dasani. Dasani made me thirsty so I avoid it now. But any of the others are fine and I usually just buy generic store brands.
Zephyrhills isn't on here : o

But with the choices there, Dasani. I still prefer Zhills thou. Esp when its reeeallly cold.
They definitely do not taste the same... I have no idea how so many people voted for that. You should try the grocery store branded water here compared to Aquafina. The store one tastes like crap. Deer Park also tastes mediocre compared to it.
growing up i didnt like arrowhead and would hate when my mom would buy it. i 90% drink kirkland brand only though
Aquafina has always tasted gross to me and water shouldn’t taste like anything ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
While Dasani has a particularity different taste and I hate a lot of “spring” waters bottled water just is processed from a tap
I drink Trader Joe’s electrolyte water. I don’t think the electrolytes provide any benefits but it’s a lot tastier than other water. The only time I ever see boxed water is when I get handed them for free at events. Do people really buy it? I’ve always wanted to try blk water.
i drink nestle’s pure life natural spring water - like i mentioned in the other thread, i don’t drink all that much water lmao but i don’t mind this one.

the only other brand i’ve tried is aquafina and i don’t know why or how but it tasted disgusting LMAO. i think i also tried the water that came in a carton a few years back? don’t remember what that tasted like but they were just a huge scam - $5 for water in a tiny carton? no thanks lmao
Evian - 7.5 Ph
Fiji - 7.7 Ph
Smart Water - 7Ph
Aquafina - 6 Ph
Voss - 7.6 Ph
Arrowhead - 6.8 Ph
Dasani 5.6 Ph
I'd say the real question is less about 'bottled water snobs' and more about what you're actually drinking when you drink water. A lot of trace elements from pharmaceuticals aren't measured in water and they don't get filtered out by standard filters with municipally sourced waters (all of cokes brands including smart water) these things are only regulated to the degree of tap water and bring with them the various trace elements so if the idea is to avoid certain things then different water brands have different advantages and disadvantages. If you're drinking water for 'health' reasons then avoiding certain waters can be helpful or if you're concerned about tooth decay from other types of drinks for children perhaps, most water will rot your teeth so there's that. As for their differences, clearly they're different or they'd be more uniform so I don't think it should be considered snobbish to have a preferred brand. I feel like the sugar debate is more 'snobbish' than the water brand debate, those who avoid high fructose corn syrup for so-called health reason in favor of 'normal' sugar when they have indistinguishable metabolic differences, corn syrup just has an unwanted overly negative reputation that people avoid it because they feel it's 'worse' for them and no other reason, that too me is 'snobbish'.
I'm between Evian, Fiji and Voss right now haven't determined a 'winner' yet for which brand will receive my continued business.
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Evian is divine. It has a really smooth taste and it's not bitter at all, a lot of bottled waters taste bitter and tap water has a horrible aftertaste.
The real canadian natural spring water is the best tasting bottled water that I've tried.

Aquafina and Dasani are both absolutely disgusting.
I think they all taste the same. Wouldn't call them a scam though because they're useful on long trips or when the construction crews outside your house shut the water off again (can't wait until that's over).
Not all bottled water tastes the same!! Trust me I know! Water is all I drink, for the last 18ish years.

And not all tap water tastes the same either.

Still though, if you can, you should always opt for a refillable bottle than buy bottled water. Especially don't buy from Nestlé if you can help it