I agree, I like using a lot of greenery and plants in my decorating but we have so few options that it's hard to make areas not feel super repetitive :/
New Leaf had A LOT of variety. Then the Welcome Amiibo update added more. I remember having an actual garden in my old game. I also recall playing Happy Home Designer and making one villager's house a greenhouse. There's just so many plants to choose from.
In NL, there are 40+ house plants such as aloe, weeping fig, rubber tree, snake plant, etc. Not to mention, this included 10 bonsai varieties and 6 cactus varities.
The fact is that they can add so many different plants just with DIYs but haven't is a shame.
Would love to be able to craft the old flower planters from the previous games. They are much more versatile than the small flower vases we're given.
I completely agree! I love decorating my island and house with plants; I feel like it makes it much livelier!
I agree with previous comments... while I love the flower vase designs — vases vary depending on the plant — I really wish they could have also allowed us to place flower pots of our hybrid flowers, whether it’s a single plant or multiple plants. I tried to place flower plants in my house when I first started the game just to be disappointed that it wasn’t allowed. I hope that it’ll eventually become an option, but one can dream!
Please!!!!! We need planters for outdoors! More potted flowers!! That morning glory vine back! I was really hoping for the poinsettia to come back at least for the winter update but nope. More foliage would be nice in general, like greenery for gardens that aren't just weeds.
Have the flower *plants* be placeable inside as a planter, like they used to be in the older games. And then the flowers remain as they are in their little vases.
I miss all the little potted plants from the older games. I know we have the cherry blossom bonsai and the pine bonsai and then the shelf. But I remember there were like 6 other variants. There's like 6 plants with different color pots but it's not enough for me. I want a full greenhouse.
Wasn't Leif supposed to get a shop or something? Wasn't that hinted in a datamine or whatever? Watch, we'll have to wait until a future update so we can buy house plants from him like in New Leaf. That's the only reason I can think of as to why they didn't give us any house plants day one.
We have, what, the monstera, the yucca, the cypress, and the fan palm?? Ooo, so much variety. And no potted flowers, no planters. I love the terrariums but I don't want those to be the only tabletop plants I can have. I guess we have the succulents and cacti too but those aren't enough. I hate how the vases only have a single flower in it. It's so small. I was excited for the pedestal item from Turkey Day but it's so tall and I don't know what to put on it. I was going to put a sunflower crown since it can work as a sort of vase if you turn it around but it's too small for it.
it’s a good night to miss the casablanca lilies, morning glory, moth orchid and sunflower from new leaf; they were honestly such stunning items and i would love for them to be added in :’c
the houseplants that we currently have are alright but it’s definitely a shame just how many good items haven’t made an appearance yet; hopefully someday, we’ll get all of the items back from previous games + more.
Like others said, there were SOOOOO many in NL and now there's only like 5 in NH??!?? Same with food
They're probably going to add more but it's kind of not great having to wait tbh
I'd love to see more variety in house plants. The first room in my house is a plant room and I'd like more variety so I don't have to use the same plants like 5 times each.