we need more house plants!

Yes please! It feels so empty in my house without some of the houseplants they had in New Leaf. I’m so used to living in a house with them that I got to have them in game too.
I would love some new plant items. I would love to have big vases that would be full of roses and different flowers.

We could even get some fantasy themed plants that are just not of this world. Like sci-fi and fairy-like plants. Think about the decorating oppotunities.

(Sorry if some of my suggestions are in the game already. I don't have many plant items on my island yet.)
I am always up for more house plants. I use them to fill in any space where I feel like I should have furniture but don't know what to put there.
I have houseplants as a hobby in RL, so yesss I want more plants!!! Like what others said here, I would love a return of all the old plants, with an addition of different vase/planter options for flowers, as well as new varieties of potted plants. I would also love more vine plant options, big showy plants, and maybe even some aquatic plant options too, like ones in a decorative tank.
I totally agree. I don't know anything about plans IRL but in Animal Crossing I really enjoy decorating with them. Bored of using the yucca and monstera everywhere lol.
Why did they remove the majority of plants to begin with? I miss the weeping fig and rubber tree :'( why remove so many sets, too? It's hard just using the same furniture for different ideas, but it's interesting what people DO come up with. We can only hope for future updates/seasonal orderables, such as how we got bamboo grass and soon, the Kadumatsu~
Yes, and new leaf had a lot to choose from. I'm also disappointed that we didnt get the tall cactus and tumbleweed. They would have looked great in desert areas. I had plans, darn it. The covered wagon was nice too.
i agree that it would be very nice to see more variety within the game's plant-furniture. i personally love plants of all kinds, especially in my home, so i really wanted to get that same aspect in my game's home as well, but like some of you have already mentioned, the lack of variety means repetitive placement.

it would be nice if we had the ability to grow some flowers inside as well; like a planter we could craft and place, and then grow some cosmos or something.

the pumpkins were a really nice surprise, though, so maybe we'll be able to get some more things like that eventually but for an indoor sense? having an indoor greenhouse would be so nice 🖤

admittedly, the plants that they do have are absolutely adorable.
I agree!! I love love love to decorate with house plants.. inside and outside
Planters for outdoor flowers really should be a thing, considering it's been in the older games and (probably) wouldn't be difficult to add. I always enjoyed putting outdoor flowers in my house, even though Lyle hated them. I know there's vases but they don't really look the same.
I definitely agree with this. I was actually really disappointed by how few options we have for plants when there were sooo many in New Leaf.. I do think they'll be updating this eventually but still.. you'd think we would have been given more options initially.
This is pretty low on things I want them to add, but I definitely wouldn't mind it. I actually think some of the plants they do have aren't even that pretty. I'd like prettier plants!
I sooooo wish they’d bring back all of the old plants and add new ones like the Monstera, it’s so pinterest-esque! I can’t help but put it everywhere, but it’s starting to get a little repetitive. I’m not a huge fan of the Yucca so I’m pretty limited lmao. The Anthurium, excuse me if i spelt that wrong, is really beautiful though, same as the cypress tree and cacao tree :)
I feel like we’re in need of some more Leafy plants, some neutral greens with different leaves to have a good mix around :) Monstera is pretty much the only Leafy plant i like to use so id love some more options :)
I would love if we could buy special plants from Leif 🥺 it would also be cool to customise them so they could have different colours/styles!
This was something I found very noticeable when I returned to New Leaf recently. Everyday, Lief had a different house plant that I hadn't seen before, or bonsai or anything like that, he must have had dozens of them to choose from. But New Horizons you've got what like 4? It's awful
Not only houseplants. I would love to see more plants that are smaller, like miscellaneous item size rather than housewares size so that I'd have more plants to put on the outdoor garden stand that we received on Turkey Day.
I'd love to see more plants come back.
I always have that small space in my house that could use some greenery around.

Plus since there's alot of flowers around the island and that we can create wreaths from them, its a little disappointing that we cannot create our own arrangement of flowers from that. (You can place them as a single plant but... new leaf you could have a bunch)
I really want access to the sansivieria and rubber trees, personally! The models are already ingame, as the former can be seen in the airport and I think at the tailor shop, and the latter is behind the counter at the Nooklings' store. I miss the pretty orchids and stuff from New Leaf as well. I raise plants IRL so I'm kind of sad at how small the selection is this time around, lol.