we need more house plants!

THIS! as a plant lover myself im tremendously disappointed at the pathetic number of plant furniture. Even New leaf has lot more. I hope they give us more in future updates, paid DLC or not. I also want some variegated plants. They're pretty since i do own some msyelf.
Yes!! I love plants so much. 💞 I really wish we had more options (please bring some of the old plants back, Nintendo!) I have two houses that have a sunroom/indoor garden and I want to decorate them with more variety instead of using the same plants over and over again.
More potted plants, more fruit trees, and a weeping willow tree please!
There are some house plants in nooks and cranny and the airport that are unavailable to us, so maybe they'll add them in the game.
I wish we had more plants as well. my favorite one didn’t return to the game.
Absolutely need more plants and ones with a variety of flowers too
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Absolutely need more plants and ones with a variety of flowers too
I really want flowers like those in the butterfly room of the Bug Exhibit, Flick gives you them in Pocket Camp too!!!!!
Different shaped terrarium would be super cool! And succulents that don't come in a tin can.
UGH YES. And the ones we have aren't even that attractive, the only one I really use the monstera. I can't put those in every room of my house! In general, the diversity of furnishings in this game is massively lacking compared to previous games.

I would also love more plant furniture items that look appropriate outside as well as inside.
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I love all the plants we have now - especially the monstera and fan palm, and the terrarium is lovely if that counts - but I really hope we get more potted plants next year! Especially ones we could customize - imagine being able to customize the little potted cacti into different plants. It would give us a lot more options without the developers having to add too many new furniture pieces to the game.
We need more of everything interior-wise. However, I definitely agree seeing more houseplants would be nice.
I love the house plants that we do have in the game, but I really miss the ones from New Leaf as well. I especially miss the bonsai set. Sure we have 2 bonsais and the bonsai shelf, but there were so many in NL!

Oh, and I'm eternally upset that I can't have a lily of the valley in my houses.
I wish there was the option to choose between a single flower and a “traditional” potted plant. The plants for the garden events are so good in Pocket Camp, but the plant variety is severely lacking in New Horizons.
Omg I so agree with this!
I definitely miss a lot of the bonsais and cactusses (cacti?)
I agree! It feels like there's not enough plants for us to have in game and it's disappointing :(