Weather on island


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2024
Am I remembering this right the older games the weather matched what the weather was where you are ? On my island it it has been doing is raining out for the past three days .but real life it’s sunny out . Is there away to fix this ? I’m so tired of the rain lol
I feel you on the raining part! ^_^" I thought it was weird when I experienced it. I heard it's raining season in New Horizons right now, so I don't think it can be "fixed".

To answer whether the weather in the older games matched the weather in real life or not, I think it's a coincidence. The games would need to have lots of code that keeps track of the location, uses data from meteorologists, etc. for the weather to be this accurate, which it doesn't have. ...I don't think that's going to be in the next Animal Crossing game any time soon.
That’s a bummer . I wish they can make match the weather . I also wish the shop had two floors again in the new game.
i'm pretty sure the weather is completely random, it's just a coinkydink if it does end up matching

i think there's this weather tracker that can help you predict shooting stars but i haven't personally used it