Weirdest Conversation With Villagers


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May 30, 2019
Tasty Cake
I've just had two weird conversations, back to back, and decided to share them here!

"the bug. not your head. you keep that"
Winnie had her net out, and I went up to talk to her, and she was telling me how she was determined to catch a bug today. She said "even if it lands on you i'll swoosh in and catch it, and i'll keep it!", and then on the next speech bubble, in tiny text, she said "the bug. not your head. you keep that".

I wish I had a screenshot of that but I was so surprised and admittedly haphazardly mashing the A button

The second conversation involves Walker, who was talking about giving his own name to things. He opened the conversation commenting on how I had my shovel out and was digging for clams, and then he said "i call clams squirtfaces because they squirt outta their faces".

People had been saying the conversations were boring in new horizons but i'm finding the exact opposite, and I'd love to hear any weird/funny/interesting conversations you've had with islanders!
Clay said to me while he was in the clothing store:
If I wore shoes-weird-I'd wear these shoes and stomp around like a shoe guy!
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LOL, That's hilarious.

Gives me hope for when I start playing, as I've seen a few posts saying the dialogue was worse than NL.

Now I have hope!
Poncho told me he just ate a bunch so now he needs to work out to shed the pounds. . . My poor Jock villager. Eating a few meals won't make you out of shape I promise!
Gave Ozzie a wharf roach and he said he would share it with the bugs in the floor but not the wall bugs. He said the bugs in the walls are being jerks this week.
Gave Ozzie a wharf roach and he said he would share it with the bugs in the floor but not the wall bugs. He said the bugs in the walls are being jerks this week.

Wade also talks frequently about the bugs in his house. They whisper recipe ideas in his ears at night. Creepy but oddly endearing.

He also goes around telling me how NEAT it is today and how NEAT my island is.
I had to witness an argument between Kid Cat and Filbert over Filbert being mad Kid Cat wouldn't give him a sneak preview of his "8 pack abs"

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Apple made a weird comment I don't completely remember about viruses and then said something about Apple virus
ugh I should have taken a screenshot! Unsettling during this specific time frame

Usually my weirdest conversations are with Apple, she's all over tha place
i had a whole convo with prince about how the seat in his house fits his butt perfectly lmao
I caught Stitches and Cousteau in a heated debate.

Cousteau was offended that Stitches wanted to see his abs, to prove that he had them. Cousteau was adamant that the weren't ready yet and he then made Stitches cry.

I was honesty so confused.
Scoot has told me constantly that he wants to have something bigger than 6 pack abs. He's gone as far as telling about his dreams where he's practically a massive muscle hulking god sporting a sweet pair of 64 pack abs, which inspires him to want to get that huge (and so much more) by the time he wakes up.

Personally, I don't find it weird (and can perfectly imagine such a thing), but I know most people would. Haha.

Other than that, when Maddie moved in she wanted me to spread some viral marketing rumors about her that "She's a total virus!" out loud to everyone. You can probably figure out the unintentional joke in that one.

Drago told me this today when I went to go visit him... not sure how I feel about this lol​
i talked to audie with my vaulting pole out and she made up a whole song about it and sang it to me (the lyrics to which i can't specifically recall, and i wish i took a screenshot of it) but she referred to it as "stickthing" and it made me laugh
I’ve received a letter that has apparently been dipped in gravy and licked off clean. Cranston asked if the letter smelled good.

Gross Cranston.
The funniest stuff Sherb talks to me about, especially when I walk in his house while he’s crafting, he says “the bugs on the floor whispered this DIY recipe to me last night, so I better make it now before if forget it” or something along the lines of that. LOL He’s always talking about the bugs in his house! XD
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This wasn't my conversation, but I saw screenshots of Beau talking to the player and he was practically having a crisis lol. He was saying someone in town told him they were all really in a game and their lives weren't their own. And he was saying stuff like "Idk man, I think I might believe it, you ever notice the fruit trees grow back too fast? Why are there three different types of wood in one tree??? Why does Nook let you pay off your house with the money you get from his own pockets after selling him stuff??? Because all our lives are fake!"

This isn't verbatim to what he said, but this is the gist of it. Tripped me out lol.
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Molly told Sprinkle about a dream she had about tomato sauce coming out of her faucet instead of water. Lol. Sprinkle told her to bring pasta to bed. HAHAHAHAHA