Weirdest Conversation With Villagers

tammy and octavian had a convo about how the other one sneezes lmao
Oh I just remembered another!

Mira mentioned that I had dug up a lot of fossils the other day. This had prompted her to have weird dinosaur dreams. In this dream, the dinosaurs were oddly normal - specifically, she remembered two dinosaurs were having a conversation. The one was having an existential crisis about their mortshe they could never pay off in a MILLION years while the other dinosaur described strange dream it'd been having about rocks. I had a good laugh.
I had a great convo with Pango where she used a made-up word, then explained she was trying to coin her own viral slang. Then she kept adding made-up words until her last sentence was complete nonsense. She really cracks me up.
Deli (lazy monkey) was talking about driving a car and how he's a very reckless driver and doesn't yield to pedestrians.

He ended with "I'm uhm... not allowed to drive... anymore"
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I guess this guy thinks he figured out Corona...?

I just had a really cute one with Tangy, who just moved in.

"I took your advice and left everything and everyone I ever knew to come here.
Now I live here! Within walking distance of your house! The only person I know!
We are going to talk SO MUCH."

I can tell I'm going to love Tangy just as much in this game as I did in New Leaf.

I love the Jock personality lol. Also love how the museum dialog can be specific to each fish/bug/fossil on display and depends on villager personality. Makes going in there refreshing.