Welcome our new mods, Tina and Gandalf!

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Congrats Tina and Gandalf!!!

And good luck!!

(just please don't come to the counting thread) much love!
People not from NA ^_^
Good choice of mods :D
Congrats :)
(just please don't come to the counting thread)

I can't help but point this out. It is entirely unnecessary for you to even enter the Basement at all.

Now that we've stressed that point...

Congratulations! There's really not much I can say except that I think you both deserved it (especially you, Tina, after dusting out that Cellar)!

Secret Agent Pally has failed us.
I can't help but point this out. It is entirely unnecessary for you to even enter the Basement at all.

Now that we've stressed that point...

Congratulations! There's really not much I can say except that I think you both deserved it (especially you, Tina, after dusting out that Cellar)!

Secret Agent Pally has failed us.

(As I recall Tina and Gallows sat around drinking wine while Thunder and I dusted! =p )

Thank you! I'll do my best to be useful. :)

& 'grats Ben. ♡

Don't be afraid to ask questions! We're all super excited to have you two! :)

Yay. Good for them :) I'm happy two of my good friends became mods.
w0w congrats Bendalf and Tina. :)

(Pls don't ban me if I keep beating you at MK8 ok Tina? xoxo)
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