Welcome to UR DEATH!

Yeah I keep forgetting. Today I'll do it though. I have reminders all over my house saying I need to develop my photos so I can get them onto TBT. lol

Alright so... my friend roster is full. I am going to make another character in a few days so I can put in more friend codes (I may even use my friends character). So yeah, I can't add anymore cats until the new person gets here. lol

=^^= Nya
- Aurora: penguin, female

I had her!
Favorite <3
I must talk to her constantly :D
lol, thanks everyone.


I'm getting them developed today. I kept forgetting and now, I really really want them developed. I just wish I knew how to get them up without having to develop them. Less money, and faster. lol

=^^= Nya
:gyroiddance: Ooh I have some of the LUCKY CAT SERIES,Wii Speak (My voice will sound like a girl though >_< ) annnnnnnnd that's it. :D

Friend Code:2621-6726-6074 (write it on a piece of paper :p )

Character Name:peyton :)

Town Name:Yikerton :gyroiddance:
I gots Cherrys lots of them!

I could come over and plant a bunch!!!! :gyroiddance: ^_^
I saw the video you where in, and I think your funny xD so if you ever wanna hang out PM me and I'll open my gates for you :D
BlackPhoenix said:
I saw the video you where in, and I think your funny xD so if you ever wanna hang out PM me and I'll open my gates for you :D
Meowy hasn't been here since March, 'tis sad really, she was awesome :p