The japanese releases and game cube version, amiibo festival, and pocket camp.
There's really no chance I'd play the older versions, but I also have no interest in amiibo festival or pocket camp. ACNH will be my next game!
I've never played the Japanese one, Amiibo Festival, Pocket Camp, Happy Home Designer and City Folk. I would have liked to try and play City Folk properly but I do not own a Wii or the game.
I haven't played the original or Pocket Camp. My reason for PC is I don't even have a mobile phone. My brother does and he tends to delete mobile games often, and PC is one of the many he deleted.
I hope to one day find the original Gamecube game at a used game store.
For me, it's the JP only games, City Folk, amiibo Festival, and Pocket Camp. amiibo Festival seems terrible, don't have a phone that could play Pocket Camp (and I don't support microtransaction games anyway), and I don't see the point to going back and playing the older games anymore. Animal Crossing is a series that gets much better with each mainline game generally. I tried earlier this year to give Wild World a shot again, but compared to New Leaf it feels so boring.
I haven't played anything that predates Wild World. I did start a GC town once but I lost interest after two days, so I don't count it. I also haven't played Amiibo Festival (...I don't feel like I'm missing out here) but I have played the Japanese release of New Leaf, which is nice because of all the different holidays.
I haven't played the original on GameCube yet. I've been intending to buy it for a really long time but it's hard to come across a good deal for it so until then I can't.
I do have the amiibo Festival bundle but never bothered to play it. Only bought it on sale for a really good price for the amiibo to be honest...
Aside from those two I've played all the games that have come out here in the west.
I have only known new leaf and only discovered the series on some ads on the tv (which I hated for some reason) while watching cartoons then I got the game for Christmas.
I wish my iPad would have been able to get pocket camp