What animal would you like to see as a villager?

i would really, really love to see moths implemented into the games ;w; i saw a few concept sketches on tumblr once and they were precious! i would also like to see a squid villager, we already have octopi, so why not squids?
I think we definitely need Bats!!! They would be so cute!! And Turtles! Like there could be a Koopa Troopa themed villager!

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Moar pandas!
Alpacas seems like a nice idea, too. And I just love the bats designs that were posted few pages ago.

Foxes, alpacas, raccoons, more sea-based animals, like perhaps jellyfish. More octopi introducted.
Giant, overbearing, gentle giants. Encounter them in the seas or 'lakes' on random days. You can hop on their backs and they'll take you somewhere! hnnnnng @_@

Yes! Maybe if we ran out of map space and unlocked a special, hidden item the plesiosaur would appear and take us up the river to a second half of the map and we could expand our towns.
I'd really like to see some more birds for villagers (sure, we have ostriches, chickens, penguins, ducks and "birds")
Owls and pigeons would be a cool addition to the villager roster.

I think a platypus would be interesting. Some more varieties of big cat would be cool as well or a otter. I agree with the suggestions of ferrets and bats. I wonder why they haven't been in the game yet?
different breeds of animals already on the roster would be really cool, like long-haired cats! Armadillos and Pangolins can be added to look like the anteaters, platypus to the ducks, etc.
I'm going to also agree with the long list of people that want bats! I'm surprised they don't already have them in the game quite honestly! Sharks and other marine life would be killer (they already have octopuses, why not?)
Foxes, bats and I'd personally love more tiny animal villagers like the hamsters and squirrels, I find them so adorable!