What are some of your favourite movies ever?


grab acorns 'til you're delirious
Aug 3, 2015
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Green Balloon
Pink Balloon
Green Balloon
Yoshi Easter Egg
Space Whale Plush
Splat Easter Egg
Green Fair Pinwheel
Flower Glow Wand
I much prefer animated movies to live action movies. Some of my favourite animated movies are Lilo and Stitch, Zootopia, Coco, and Land Before Time (and some of the sequels).

As far as live action movies go though, I do really like "Enchanted".
*insert every Disney movie here*
Also I like horror movies. Some of my favorites the child's play movies, Texas chainsaw movies, conjuring 1 and 2 and many more..
Land Before Time was my favourite movie as a child, it's so beautiful! I also really loved "The Snowman" (animated short from '82, not the other snowman film)

Recently I've thoroughly enjoyed Your Name (anime), I've watched it two or three times already and bawl my eyes out every single time.
Most movies I don't particularly care about. I'm not a movie person.

Coco and Frozen were good. And I love Mean Girls.
Uh let’s see... Marvel movies, Star Wars movies (the originals), and the Harry Potter movies as far as series are concerned. Various individual movies I’ve enjoyed are The Pursuit of Happiness, Baby Driver, and plenty more I can’t think of off the top of my head right now.
too many animated movies to name... just include notably every disney movie ever, lord of the rings trilogy, how to train your dragon, the iron giant, and honestly there's a lot more I can't think of them right now though
I'm not a big fan of movies but there are some that I like or that I'm willing to watch. I really like 80s pop culture movies, and my favorite of those is Back to the Future. I also recently watched Batman 1989 (ngl the first superhero movie I've ever seen) and I really liked it. Gonna watch the older Superman movies soon.
Moonlight is my favorite movie ever and I also love The Handmaiden, Stand By Me, The Princess Bride, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the newer Great Gatsby, Love Simon, Lilo and Stitch, and lots of Studio Ghibli movies.
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Off the top of my head: Howl's Moving Castle, the Shawshank Redemption, the Toy Story series, pretty much any Disney Renaissance-era movie, The Sound of Music, Grease, Baz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet.

I've never really considered myself much of a movie person, but there's a fair amount I really enjoy! Just some I associate more with holidays (Hocus Pocus, Home Alone, etc.) and maybe wouldn't describe as my all-time favorites. I also felt like my list was a little longer, but now that I'm put on the spot, I can't think haha.
I’m a big film nerd so I have a lot of favourite movies - Ratatouille, Amelie, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Lady Bird, Kiki’s Delivery Service and Clueless are the ones that come to mind immediately but there are way more!
Yes I agree mean girls is timeless lol, literally every ghibli movie (pom poko is probably my favorite), I can rewatch les miserables everyday, whenever the internet cuts out my sister and I watch both Charlie's angels movies, so those have a special place in my heart lol. Probably lots more but all of those off the top of my head :lemon:

Have to add in James and the giant peach!
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Bleach: The Movie, Coraline and Alice in Wonderland, both the animated late? 1900's cartoon version made popular by Disney, and Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland and Alice Throu the Looking Glass.
Sadly I'm not a big fan of any animated movies ( in cluding Studio Ghibli films ) or any Disney films... I wish I was.
I love the movies that's about life. It doesn't need to be about real person. All time favorite is no doubt God Father Ⅰ and Ⅱ. Or such as the series about Che Guevara, Chiamatemi Francesco - Il Papa della gente. There are way more to name off here.
Most dark fantasy or fantasy movies I quite enjoy. :)
Some of my favorites are the Ghibli movies, and the claymations directed by Tim Burton.
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There are way too many movies to list here but there are 3 movies that I can watch many times over and never get bored of them...
-Beauty and the Beast (Animated)
-Aladdin (Love Robin Williams as Genie)
-Star Trek The Final Frontier ( Who doesn't love the main 3 going camping and sing around a campfire? LOL)
I've always had a soft spot for Pixar movies. The Toy Story trilogy, Wall-e, Up, and Finding Nemo are probably my favorites, but I love almost all of them.

Others are Alien (Aliens is good but not a fan of the others), Jurassic Park (others are ok), Forest Gump, Coming to America, and, if we're counting holiday movies, Christmas Vacation.
I've always had a soft spot for Pixar movies. The Toy Story trilogy, Wall-e, Up, and Finding Nemo are probably my favorites, but I love almost all of them.

Others are Alien (Aliens is good but not a fan of the others), Jurassic Park (others are ok), Forest Gump, Coming to America, and, if we're counting holiday movies, Christmas Vacation.
Omg yes I love Wall-e! Can't believe it slipped my mind earlier. Forest Gump is a great one, too. I used to watch it all the time growing up.
I prefer animation over live action 2, but I like a lot of older movies like from the 80s and early 90s, my favourite being Heathers-movie and musical- I've watched it 7 times...hehe... From Dusk Til Dawn, Kill Bill, Donnie Darko, The Crow, Silence of the Lambs are pretty good too
That's kinda hard because my favourite movies shift from time to time lol. If I had to pick a few, it would be Indiana Jones: The Temple of Doom, Cars, and Mrs. Doubtfire.