I tend to admire animated movies more but I like all kinds tbh! It really depends on the genre for me. I can't say I have an overall favorite movie, but I enjoy most movies.
- Your Name (it's a current favorite; the animation is so beautiful and I cry every time.)
- WALL-E (It's my favorite of all the Pixar movies! Using little dialogue and conveying feelings through sound was brilliant. I also love how it made you think about the future.)
- Mulan
- The Fox and the Hound
- The Emperor's New Groove
- The Princess and The Frog
- Kiki's Delivery Service
- The Mummy series (It's a really fun series with great chemistry from the leads. I consider it a classic! It's one of those movies I could watch again and again without getting bored; it's pure harmless fun.
We don't talk about the last one, shh)
- Indiana Jones series
- Jurassic Park
- The Shape of Water
- Black Panther
- Lion (I really didn't expect to like this film but it felt so raw and I found myself relating to the protagonist on what it's like to lose your identity and regain it. I cried so much, this movie destroyed me. ;o; )
- Hidden Figures (I really enjoyed this film; it's a shame it didn't win enough rewards.)
- Catch Me If You Can (Probably my favorite Leo movie. Acting is superb.)
- The Boy In The Striped Pajamas
- The Pianist
- The Ring (You can't deny its cultural impact and iconic-ness. I also love how it just messes with you psychologically and provides a good spooky story.)
- The Others (It's another pretty good mystery film that pulls your strings in the right ways.)
- La Vita ? Bella (aka Life Is Beautiful. It's such a fun light-hearted film and then the second half... ;o; )
- Dangerous Beauty (I didn't expect to like this film, but it's surprisingly good!)
- My Big Fat Greek Wedding (It's a really cute, lighthearted movie.)
- Rush Hour series (I think both actors worked great with each other.)
- White Chicks
I'll post again if I think of more.