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What are some tropes, cliches and plots you are tired of seeing?


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2016
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Keep in mind that you can include anything like anime or other types of genres, movies and comics are allowed here too.

But anyways, there are a couple of things i'm tired of seeing and it's a LOT.

Here'a a rundown .

-In horror movies when a character is getting in the car it won't start

-Love at first sight

-Tsunderes (b-baka)

-Overpowered characters.

-The Chosen One

-Rains when a person dies

-Mary Sues

-Dead parents


-Dumb villains



-That beach episode

-Love triangles

-The "Ordinary" Transfer Student

-The setting is a high school

There's a whole lot more I could list but this has been going on long enough.
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Bury Your Gays.

The Motion Picture Production Code, established and enforced in the USA by Catholic white men in the 1930s, ensured that LGBT characters in film couldn't have a happy ending. This code was abandoned in the late 1960s - yet still writers and filmmakers are creating work that aligns with this trope despite it being 50+ years outdated. It is too prevalent in modern media.
I think they should ditch the high school formula for anime, or at least take a break. ______ is an ordinary student, boring life, but everything changes when ________ happens. It's been done to death. I would like to see more anime with adult characters and environments like One Punch, Stein's;Gate, Love is Hard for Otaku, Dragon Ball, Death Parade, etc. Everything has to take place in a school it seems.
-Rains when a person dies

Okay, but just hear me out. Instead of it raining when a person dies, an earthquake happens instead. :oops:

LOL I’m jk.

Anyway, I’m okay with a lot of things to be honest, but one thing I CANNOT stand is excessive filler. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fine with some amount of filler. But when it drags on for episode after episode I can’t stand it. This is why I will never watch a series like Naruto or One Piece, because as much as I would really like to watch one of those shows, the excessive filler is incredibly annoying.

Like do we really need a seventh episode of filler in a row with a flashback about the time Shikamaru ate a sandwich?
for me I don't like twist villains, not necessarily because they're too prevalent but because more often than not they're poorly executed. I watch a lot of childrens/animated movies like Pixar and they use twist villains in most of their movies. In some movies it's done well, like in Monsters Inc, but most of the time... not so much.
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This is why I will never watch a series like Naruto or One Piece, because as much as I would really like to watch one of those shows, the excessive filler is incredibly annoying.
yeah filler gets really annoying especially for shows that are already kinda short (22-24 min a piece). that's why I stopped watching Family Guy, because it seems like a lot of newer episodes are at least 50% filler.

but it's funny that you mention One Piece because my friend on Discord LOVES that show lmao
I’m tired of tsunderes and generic danderes (shy, usually female anime characters with almost no personality) in animes. The tsundere trope is getting really old with the constant nagging and is usually the whole point of the anime and no plot. Danderes on the other hand, are in the background and just watch and do nothing. All they seem to do is blush and get embarrassed and are either side characters/side love interests (Onodera from Nisekoi, Tadokoro from Food Wars!, etc.)
Fillers.. Why I cba watching One Piece even if there are guides for skipping it's still too long, and the manga was basically fillers too indirectly.

Also "bad" characters that doesn't get to play out their whole registry and have to be good at some point like okay...
Treating humans as if they're lesser than some beings from some far off planet or some deity.
Gods being invincible. There is a reason god killers exist.
Dystopian future. Put zombie apocalypse there with it.
World War 2 settings.
Mary Sue/Gary Stu.
Saving the world.
The hero gets the girl.
How the homophobic guy is always secretly in the closet. Like, sometimes people are just *******s...
I don’t like Haram anime or characters that just exist to fall in love with the MC. If it’s not explicitly a haram anime, then I don’t want to see beautiful girls fall head over heels for average dudes.

I also don’t like plot armor and the whole “power of friendship” thing.

Also generic YA dystopian societies kind of suck. Same with really any world that doesn’t make a lot of sense. I like thoughtful world-building
On that same note: Earth being the armpit of the galaxy where aliens dump the protagonists
When aliens from sci-fi settings have one entire culture instead of multiple nations and cultures like humans do.

When humans are the weak and boring alien race, but somehow dominate the galaxy with a huge galactic federation
- “Jerk” characters that have no bias and are simply rude to everyone.

- The insecure nerd who tries to become popular.

- When something technical is being explained and a character says “in English!”

- The dumb and gentle best friend of a snarky girl (also known as a himbo). It’s painfully overdone.

- The “ladies man” who’s sole defining trait is how often they hit on people *cough* Sylvain Fire Emblem *cough*.

- The prissy mean girl in High School movies that is somehow liked by the entire student body.

- The senile and stubborn old man.

- Making the twist villain painfully obvious while having all of the other characters act surprised.
Uhm...let me check my list...

•filler. It's just...GAHH

•Rain when a character dies. So cliche.

•Settings in a high school.

•love triangles.

•Also, in horror movies when they shout, "Hello?" It's not like the murderer is gonna say, "Yo! I'm in the kitchen! Want a sandwich?"
One thing I HATE is when there’s a condition for a situation, but it doesn’t happen for some reason. Basically when the authors set up high consequences for an action for drama/high stakes, but then don’t go through with it.

Most common is when a character will die in exchange for something, but then they live through the power of love and everyone’s happy

When Choji was going to literally die after eating his food pill in exchange for extra power, but then ThEy SaVeD HiM JuSt In TiMe
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Anyway, I’m okay with a lot of things to be honest, but one thing I CANNOT stand is excessive filler. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fine with some amount of filler. But when it drags on for episode after episode I can’t stand it. This is why I will never watch a series like Naruto or One Piece, because as much as I would really like to watch one of those shows, the excessive filler is incredibly annoying.

Like do we really need a seventh episode of filler in a row with a flashback about the time Shikamaru ate a sandwich?
Watching Naruto and One Piece are definitely worth it if you have an online list of episodes that are filler. Naruto has a TON but I think only 10% of One Piece is filler. You would like the stories if you like BnHA, trust me!

But be prepared about for 82683628 flashbacks about Sasuke’s dark and edgy past
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Hell yeah, here we go-

1. I'm Not Like Other Girls/Guys
2. Romantic Abuse
3. Bad A** Female (who's literally just- cough cough- over the top arrogant for no reason)
4. The Teenagers Will Save Us
5. Sibling Hate
6. The Grown-Ups Are Evil/Stupid
7. Love/Friendship Solves Everything
9. "Teenager x Adult Romance- It's Just Fiction!"
10. The Subtle Agenda
Perverts (a BIG problem in anime/manga)

Death scenes but it turns out they actually live (it's one thing for a happy ending, it's another thing when it happens constantly throughout a series, that's when it gets really bad).

Excessive deus ex machinas... Especially if they involve the last point.

Villain kills underling because they're too "weak".

Annoying "master" of the big villain (examples are Babadi from Dragon Ball Z and Kira's father from JJBA Part 4)

And, of course, damsel in distress. You can have a good plot that kind of uses this, but then you have stuff like KHIII spoilers:
What happens to Kairi in KHIII end game. It was just horribly written, because there was so much buildup to her holding her own, and then... SMH.
Watching Naruto and One Piece are definitely worth it if you have an online list of episodes that are filler. Naruto has a TON but I think only 10% of One Piece is filler. You would like the stories if you like BnHA, trust me!

But be prepared about for 82683628 flashbacks about Sasuke’s dark and edgy past

Oh, I have no doubt I would love the stories, it’s just the filler that’s a problem. Based on what you said and what I’ve seen of them in the past, I’m more inclined to give One Piece a chance. I guess I shouldn’t say I would never watch them. I’ve considered watching Pokémon from beginning to end (as redundant as that sounds) just because I haven’t seen every episode and am curious about some of the early-to-mid seasons, so it wouldn’t be fair to not give these two a chance. I’m still very on the fence about Naruto, but who knows, I may end up watching it in the future. For now though I prefer to watch shorter series that are more manageable.
There are probably more, but the two that come to mind at the moment are:

Characters getting mortally wounded but having the convenient ability to stay alive despite it all to be able to give a speech or something. It can be done well depending on the case, but not every writer can pull it off.

The Power of Friendship allowing our heroes to overcome seemingly impossible odds to save the day.