What are the top updates you want added to the game?

Quality of life stuff:
-Ability to craft multiple items at once
-Ability to place rugs outside
-Ability to enter decorating mode outside (I'm not holding out a lot of hope for this one, but it'd be really handy)

-Brewster's Cafe, IDEALLY as a new building to place
-Going off of that... more buildings to place!
-Going off Brewster's again... gyroids! I didn't always like them, but I grew fonder of them in ACNL as some vintage AC nostalgia. I'd love any new thing to collect, honestly, but gyroids seem like an obvious addition.
-More past NPCs like Reese and Cyrus, Lottie, etc.
-Some version of Tortimer Island
-Mini-games- either along with the island, or in some other way (similar to how game systems worked in past games, for instance)
-More shop upgrades
-Going off of that, my DREAM would be an eventual department store upgrade that Labelle would run. Like ACNL, you'd complete fashion checks as part of unlocking it. She would sell her stuff every day, as well as some Gracie designs, and even chic furniture (again, like Gracie). But it would be great for her to finally get her own place! Of course, Gracie would still occasionally visit her protege and conduct her own, more difficult fashion checks- if you pass, you get a vintage Gracie design! So, similar to last game, but with some new added twists.
-New content NOT seen in previous games that not even I can dream up! Surprise me, Nintendo! (but don't surprise me with more phone apps unless they're on the in-game phone, please, because what is the point)

I'm sure I'll think of other things later, lol. But those are the first things that come to mind. Of course, I'm still thoroughly enjoying the game as is- but I always enjoy new content and am actually kind of enjoying having it in spaced out releases. As soon as I lose interest in the game something new is released to reinvigorate me!
😅 Here's a long wishlist...

Building customizations. Different styles for the airport/Resident Services. More player house exterior options (roof, door, and siding in mushroom, sweet, fairy tale, zen, modern, futuristic, etc.) Being able to customize a small house or choose our house exterior size. Being able to restyle villager homes inside and out would be a dream, especially if they add more options.

More indoor furniture is always welcome. I'd most want a customizable country/alpine white set for kitchen (with kitchenette, cabinets and counters) and a white living room and bedroom set (like the regal/princess sets, or something similar.) The sweets set redone (same marshmallow stools).... and the rainbow screen. I also really miss the seashell music box from NL. And even though not my style, it'd be nice if they filled out some of the other themes: scifi/robotic, mid century modern, gothic, artsy, etc.
A lot more food items -- pizza, fish and chips, paella, fast food meal, sundae, milkshake, loaf of bread, cheese plate, pancakes, a plain pie, etc

Big outdoor furniture would be nice. An old fashioned windmill... flower arches... trellises... maybe a rowboat, raft, or shipwrecked boat to decorate the beach/river with. A smaller fountain. A koi pond. Topiaries of animals or other shapes. Big hay stacks, wagon wheel, and other farm decor. Maybe a barn or toolshed. A new decorative bicycle - with a basket and flowers. A merry go round, hot air balloon, and ferris wheel.

More fruit trees - lemon, bananas especially. Dead trees. Berry bushes. Perfect fruit. More houseplants.

More hairstyles and colors. Especially the darkest blue, white, and the lightest blond.

Better wings and other back accessories. Angel wings, butterfly/fairy wings, Sanrio backpacks, etc. Maybe other things like a guitar case.

Abel's Sisters cart to buy all color varieties at once and a way to see what you have already catalogued.
A customize option right after building a diy.
Only 1 customization kit needed for all items - bulk is 5 but some things cost 7?
Shorten or eliminate dropbox morning phonecall.
An option to hop from one Nook Mile island to another, and one dream to another.
A way to leave a dream island without having to navigate back to the plaza or shut off the game.
Stackable manila clams and a 10 bait recipe. Increase stack of bait to 50.
Make golden tools unbreakable. I don't even bother with them, and the Nook shop ones look better anyway.
Rugs allowed to be placed outdoors and different size options.

The Mario pipe is an awesome feature, and maybe they can expand on that with other fun transport methods... like a vine/ladder/or trampoline to climb up a cliff without having to build an incline. Also instead of a pipe, maybe something less noticeable or in different themes, like a patch of flowers, a scifi portal, or a phone booth.

I'd also love to see something new... another island to visit, to play minigames with friends or random players, or being able to sail our own boat to catch new fish. An auction house/online market would be nice. It'd also be nice to be able to leave some sort of sticker or note to dream islands we visit... like "nice job!" or "very cool" or something.

More villager interactions with us and their environment. Pocket Camp style furniture they actually use and not just sit or stare at. I know this is unlikely, but even things like a kite they can fly, a swing that swings, a merry go round they can sit on, or a balloon they can pick up and walk around with. New villager dialogue. House visits.

More reactions. Eat. Drink. Lay down.
Food items we can hold, like an ice cream cone, donut, or juice can.

More shops. An upgrade to Nooks.

And probably the thing I'd want most... a way to have additional saves/islands, even if you can only have one active at a time.

I'm sure there's other things they could do that I'd enjoy more than some of the things listed. As long as it adds fun to the game, I'm good with it.
the features that i’m personally hoping for have probably already been touched on but;

• i want the perfect + tropical fruits from new leaf to come back so bad. i’m trying not to get my hopes up as i know this likely isn’t on nintendo's list of priorities but it’d definitely be nice to have them back one day. my idea is that maybe if leif were to ever have his own shop again or if he got his own section in nook’s cranny, maybe that could unlock the missing fruits + along with some new ones and maybe even some vegetables + new flower and bush types? probably a bit of a stretch but a girl can dream lol.

• i didn’t realize just how much i had taken the mini games for granted until they were gone :(. i’d especially love to be able to play hide and seek with villagers again - the treasure hunt’s alright but i don’t get much joy out of it compared to what new leaf had to offer.

• some new bridge and incline designs would be great!! to be honest, i don’t care all that much for the ones that we do have so i’d love to have some more options one day. i would literally sell my big toe for the fairytale bridge. 🤣

• like everyone else, i’m definitely hoping for furniture from the previous games + new stuff to be added in but more specifically, some new nook mile items would be very sexy as i currently have around one million nook miles with nothing to spend them on. 🥴 i’m rooting for the flower topiaries from new leaf to make an appearance,, the tulip one was stunning.

• i would give literally anything to be able to hug my villagers. i would never complain about anything again if i could just hug them and tell them how much i appreciate them. 🥺
If I had to narrow it down then
1. Furniture update, I want ceiling items back, and I want the same quality, and frequency as pocket camp (yes even if that means micro transactions)
2. Tortimer mini game island.
3. Island expansion, maybe even the ability to co found your own island with friends, one where you can work together on it.
4. Bring back more buildings, and characters, even if they have to be given new jobs.
5. Let us assign areas, how sweet would it be if you could designate areas for visiting NPCs to arrive, build your own club for KK etc.
my main priorities have also probably already been covered but:
- Brewster!! I feel like he's been such an integral part of the game for so long and I miss being able to go and sit with my coffee or carry my little takeaway cup around my town. whether he's part of the museum or gets his own building, I genuinely don't care, I just would like to see him back
- batch crafting. if I have to sit here for much longer crafting 30 fish bait one by one I just might lose my mind
- another QOL thing but I'd love to be able to go directly from one nook miles island to another to save all that extra dialogue when I'm just trying to island hop
- final QOL would be a basket in able sisters so I can buy multiple things at once. although I'm not one for buying a ton there at once, when I do want to I usually just put it off because I don't want to have to go in and out of that dressing room
- at a stretch I'd love to get Kapp'n and his island back in some capacity because I really miss those minigames, and the ability to customise buildings like RS and the airport (similar to how we could in NL) would be lovely. even though I'm not massively upset with the way they look now, I'm not one to turn down a chance at some extra customisation
that's all I can think of off the top of my head but there's probably more!
In New leaf I loved the feature that allowed us to sit next to our tree in the plaza and view our island's history. I would absolutely love for this to be something we could do in New Horizons
QoL updates like cutting down the dialogue when island hopping, buying several clothes at once, cutting down Sahara's dialogue when buying multiple carpets.
I really want more villager dialogue/interractions, I want them to visit our houses and interract with items more! It's so sad to spend so much time decorating the whole island yet they only sit at the bottom of trees 😭 .
Hopefully some of NL's furniture makes a comeback. They had a lot more personality and would be really fun to play with when decorating. I liked the mario and sanrio items because they were less realistic/more fantasy.
Edit: or maybe rather than bringing the exact same items from NL, since a lot of them had the same basic shapes but with different colors maybe we could get some funky color customisation options!
Honestly, I just wanna be able to find my neighbors. The megaphone from NL doesn't work this time, and I've seen others suggest being able to call them. But what if instead, they gave us a new phone app...

FACENOOK. You'll see little updates about your villagers that would tell you where they are. Like "I'm out and about right now!" Or "Busy working on a project." It doesn't need to keep an entire history of updates, just give each villager a current status.

I'm really just sick of being unable to find one person I wanna talk to. Just give me one way to find them lol.
Definitely Brewster, that would be awesome. I'd like to see Katrina come back as well. Still looking forward to all the updates for years to come!
1. I want gyroids
2. I want dead trees
3. I want the nook miles machine to print out tickets faster. Maybe multiple prints at a time. The slowness kills me.

Anything else is a plus. I just really want these added.
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This one is going to be a long one but for me what I want is:

1. A Villager Update. Hanging out with your villagers: Basically you can invite your villagers to your home and hang out with them like in New Leaf

2. Backpacks and Purses become Storage: You can basically put anything you want inside of your Backpack or Purses to hold extra items when you're wondering around your island.

3. Shop Upgrades: Pretty obvious about this one, Nook Cranny's and Able Sisters will have upgrades where it will contain a lot of new items and some returning NPCs like Gracie and Leif will be able to join with the Nook shop similar to New Leaf.

4. Making a new island: You will now be able to make a new island on the same system and you will be able to switch islands whenever you want.

5. Upgrade to the Airport/Online: Dodo Airlines will now let you browse islands that are opened without having to use the dodo code and whenever someone is visiting or leaving the island it will no longer interrupt whatever players are doing on the island.

6. Moving Resident Services: If you really feel like your Resident Services was in a place that you really dislike you now have the option to move it to a more suitable spot that you feel works for you.

7. Tom Nook and Isabelle help you out more: Tom Nook will be able to give more things to do in order to get different rewards that will help you on your island and Isabelle will be able to assist you when you want a certain villager to be moved out because you didn't get along with them so well.

8. Mayor Tortimer returns with a surprise: The Mayor that you've known since the beginning has made a return and has a special surprise for you and it involes Kappa making a return .

9. Improvements to Tools: Tools will now have a damager meter to indicate when your tool is about to break. If the bar gets too low a warning icon will appear on top to let you know that your tool is about to break. There will be new Platinum Tools which when obtained they will no longer break and you can keep on doing a lot of stuff without having anything to worry about your tools breaking.

10. Bulk Crafting: You will be able to bulk craft a lot of stuff to make it go a lot more faster. Customization has also been improved where you can craft the item you want and customize it at the same time. You can also fully craft an item using all the same materials without having to craft the same item one by one like for example a Golden Axe.

I know this all wishful thinking but those are the things I wish New Horizons would have. One of these days it will happen.
Nookling upgrades. Next update has Lottie or Digby or another unused NPC that really doesn't fit anywhere who get's their own floor and sells 'vintage' items which are just old sets/one-off items from previous games. Furniture and clothing included. All 'vintage' items can be obtained eventually on your own item, no need to trade with others if you don't have anyone else's island to go to-- the rotation of items available, maybe 3 or 4 items/clothing-- rotates daily. If you missed it, it'll eventually come back randomly like all other items in shop rotation.

Next/maybe final upgrade is Gracie, who sells new sets and clothing alongside her old ones. I think there was a point in a season where she would sell 'clearance' items or something like that, her old sets and clothing would be included in those. If not, the old sets/clothing could be included in the vintage stuff I mentioned above.

I really just want new, good items. Everyone's islands are starting to look the same no matter how creative some people are getting with decorating and item placement. I'm trying to remain positive that Pocket Camp items will eventually start trickling into the game but for now I'd just be happy if they would bring back the old sets and clothing, some of them were really good and I think could bring a lot of je ne sais quoi to an island.
In terms of more probable and feasible updates, I would like:

- The return of Brewster and The Roost café, whether it be a standalone building (which I'd prefer, but I can see why others wouldn't) or part of the museum.

- The return of Kapp'n. I mean, there's a perfectly good dock right there on our islands that is just waiting for a boat. Granted, it would also probably make catching the fish that only spawn around there a bit more of a pain.

- The return of minigames. I need something to do with my friend when we play other than visiting each other's shops for like five minutes. Whether that comes in the form of Club Tortimer or something else, I don't much care.

- More hairstyles, more black hairstyles in particular, as well as a white hair color option instead of just the greys we currently have.

- More food items.

As for less likely updates:

- Katrina. Until she ended up being thrown onto the phone app, she seemed like a shoe-in to be a potential addition to New Horizons. Now she seems dramatically less likely to show up. It's a shame; I love her design, her tent, and her mechanic.

- I absolutely hate the room sizes of the fully upgraded houses in this game, so I'd like them to add the ability to make the side rooms, back room, the basement, and the second floor bigger. I really don't see them doing this, though, because it would be messy to implement considering stuff like the storage upgrades we've already received.

- More house exterior options, specifically the exterior walls. What we have now is probably perfectly serviceable for most people, but I personally find it a bit limited in scope and too uniform for my liking. Specifically I'd like stuff like the Astro exterior, Cabana exterior, Cabin exterior, Shanty exterior, the Fancy exterior to match the Fancy doors we currently have, and generally just stuff that adds a bit more individuality at a glance. I'd also kind of like the return of the overall architecture changes to the home that you could get in New Leaf like the Castle, Modern House, and Zen Castle, and maybe even some new ones. Also, if they brought those back, I'd want a stony exterior. One of my player characters in New Horizons would be, forgive the pun, absolutely right at home in a castle.

- The return of the gyroids. I've been playing since the GameCube game and I always liked gyroids, they're a distinctly Animal Crossing thing and their absence just feels kind of wrong. Not impossible that they'd make a return, but hey. This is probably the most likely of these unlikely updates, but I still don't know that their chances are good.

- A cart option at the Able Sisters shop. As someone who likes buying every color of every clothing item for, at least, cataloging purposes, it would make things so much less of a hassle to be able to just fill up a cart and buy everything you're going to at once.

- Make manila clams stack instead of take up individual inventory slots. Crafting fishing bait is such a pain and for as long as it takes to make it, you can burn through it ridiculously fast. I have no expectation whatsoever that they will do this, however, because the manila clam is classified as and technically is a creature, and the other creatures like bugs and fish don't stack.

- The return of previous furniture sets. After their presence for the majority of the series' lifespan, it still feels awkward to not have them in this game. While maybe this will happen in some fashion like the Welcome Amiibo update from New Leaf, I don't really see it as necessarily likely and by no means guaranteed.

- A new upgrade for Nook's Cranny. If they don't bring back the series standard furniture sets then there's not really a reason to expand the current Cranny, but if they do then we'd obviously need more retail space to purchase things from.

- Gracie and her high end clothing and furniture sets. I see her as less likely due to Label's emphasis as the clothing designer this time around. She would also probably necessitate an upgrade to Nook's Cranny.

- The dead tree mechanic would be cool to see return, with or without perfect fruit. They used to be good for horror towns in New Leaf, and considering the emphasis placed on decorating and customizing our islands in this game, I feel like they'd fit right in. I don't see this happening though, nor do I see perfect fruit making a return.

- The ability to set appointments to visit our villagers and the ability to buy things from their home because we regret giving them those clothes that they decided to put in their house and ruin their house's interior design. Looking at you, Klaus. I reckon, though, that this would have been included in the game from the start if they had any intention of its inclusion.

- Unbreakable golden tools. They won't do this, but it sure would be nice.

- Shrunk Funk Shuffle. Don't even need Dr. Shrunk, just give me those sick dance moves of his.

That's all that comes to mind off the top of my head at the moment. If I think of anything else, I'll follow up with another post.
-old fruit like bananas and new fruits
-a thing like the museum rooms in the back like nl
-old furniture and clothes
-the ability to swim in rivers and get into bathtubs/pools
-some thing like club tortimer even though you'd probably encounter some nutjobs there
-old npcs
-porter and pete/phyllis/pelly
-minigames (this would make multiplayer funner)
-harriet from shampoodle even though we can change hairstyles with a mirror, maybe harriet can sell wigs or maybe there can be hairstyles only exclusively obtainable by getting a haircut from harriet
-new exteriors and mailboxes for our house and the old ones that used to be sold by tom nook
-the ability to change the style of our house which you could kind of do in new leaf in nook homes
-and of course... GRACIE with her overpriced furniture
I want the old furniture sets (classic, ranch, rococo, etc) brought back as well as the old clothing, shoes and accessories. Literally they could do that and I'd never complain again.
i want QOL updates the most, like let us buy/craft multipe things at once...
second would be more furnitures, either the old ones from acnl or completely new ones, for more variety in designing...
what I want most from ACNH is more furniture options. I need more pieces that inspire me to finish the undeveloped parts of my island.