What are the top updates you want added to the game?

I want more spots for more villagers, even though ten is a very generous number. It wpuld be nice to have a few more. Even twelve, instead of ten would be nice

This is also really dumb xD but Id love if my villagers reacted more to me fainting in front of them from a wasp sting
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I just need more stuff to decorate with, I'm not bothered about any other stuff cos my island's nearing completion, now.
- More online/multiplayer gameplay, either games or decorating or building together or something
- brewster to come as a npc visitor with a little coffee cart like in acpc
- dr shrunk to come as visitor and teach us more dances and eventually set up a cafe with brewster as bartender and kk as weekly show
- a post office that works like an amazon or fedex or something which makes it possible to order more things every day
- retail coming back so you can customize the furniture that is color locked to your island (including nook miles furniture)
top updates that i want to add to the game are: more items (hehehehe, i want my ranch set back ! :3), the coffee shop with Brewster and Gracie (some new outfits too, maybe).
Bring back all the food items, 'tendo!
They are starting to roll some stuff out bit by bit with the donut/sparkling cider/ramen that was released for different holidays and events but there were so many unique food items in New Leaf. There were some especially cool items added when they introduced the villager RVs in the Welcome Amiibo update (hot snack case/bento/ramen cup were some random favourites from the top of my head). I loved so many of these items and I really miss them.
It's a particular shame since we have so many decorating options now that we can put furniture outside - we can make outdoor restaurants and cafes but then we are limited with what we can put in them. Not enough cakes/meals/food display cases etc to fully execute our plans and make these areas more authentic and fun.

And I really hope they bring back Brewster and The Roost - I feel I could use more buildings to fill out spaces on my island so I wouldn't want Brewster to just be a passing NPC who shows up occasionally. I miss the part-time barista job I had in New Leaf lol.
Big list incoming ⚠
1. More hair colors, especially light brown like some people want so we can be happy.
2. SOME, NOT ALL furniture from new leaf. I say some because we don't need everything from new leaf, but it would be nice to get at least like, 5 furniture sets from new leaf.
3. Where is the frog chair?
4. Tortimer island or something like it so we have something to do with our friends!
5. Max crafting please!
6. Search option in crafting also,
7. Where is shrunk? I want to hear another corny joke by him agian 😁
8. Give us the ability to use these emotes:
9. Why don't we just add as much of the missing npcs as possible that could have a second job? Nat could sell honey to trap bugs and chip could sell fish bait to attract fish.
10. 👏 where 👏 is 👏 Brewster? 👏
Tbh, I'd just lump all of this in one big update like what new leaf did with welcome amiibo because the max crafting option alone would probably give people a reason to keep playing like welcome amiibo did.
I'd want the old Public Works Projects options back. They could put them in the NMT section to unlock and bring a little variety to the NMT items. I miss them all but mostly the windmill and zen bell. People with city themed islands could really use the Stop Light item to zest up their streets.

Something just needs to be done with the Nook Miles cause most people have a ton but nothing to use them on.
  • Brewster is a given. The reason why I would like The Roost back is I find the lack of public buildings in ACNH unsettling. Outside of the square, there doesn’t seem to be a place in the game where more than one villager/npc interacts with others on a consistent basis. The Roost would be perfect to remedy that!
  • Increase number of villagers to 12! I’m at the point where I don’t want to give up any villager for a new one, but there are certainly more that I’d like to have join my island!
  • More mini-games
  • Villager visits to my house
  • increase in # of vegetables/fruits
  • Celeste’s observatory in museum. After a full year of playing, I now have all the recipes for her, so maybe, like Redd with art, there can be some sort of rare star collection mechanic that allows you to donate them to her, adding to constellations in the museum observatory?
  • More visiting NPCs