What are you doing on Halloween?


Retired Staff
Jan 5, 2005
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Red Candy
Well? Are you trick or treating? Dressing up? Party? What?

As for me, I'm dressing up as a sorcerer, also going to see Rocky horror at midnight. Still gotta figure out what else I am doing, I think a party on Friday... but other than that and the movie I need to figure out what I am doing.
I am dressing up as a bloody surgeon we are having a party and i might go trick or treating
im going to my grandads bday party

but on friday im going to a party
dressing up as Ace Ventura
I might go to Comic-con or if I can't go, I'll dress up and hang out with my friends. 8D
I'm going to pass out candy to the kids in my neighborhood and attend a party. I have two costumes. For the party I'm a german beer girl and for the kiddies I'm a witch and making use of my awesome black cat =)
Trick-or-treating with a big amount of friends.

Gonna be zombie MJ. Been practicing moonwalking for a bit.

If costume backfires, L4D hunter.
Let see probably passout the treats to whomever comes treating till it gets late then order a pizza and watch whatever movie falls off the shelf with a shake pretty much yawnage.
I'm staying home. But I'm going to get a squirtgun, open my window, and shoot innocent bystanders with water, hoping that they would drop their candy. ;D
I miss trick or treating...hahahaha but I'm just far too old, I need a kid I can trick or treating.