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What are you doing with your town?


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Pear (Fruit)
Just curious, it occurred to me that I mostly visit either my favourite dream towns over and over or just random selections and never really go to dream addresses in people's sigs, etc. So I thought I'd make a thread where we can talk about what kind of town you've been building, what you're working toward, or what you have and maybe post a DA in case others want to check it out. :)
my DA is in my sig, but i'm still working on my town a lot ha
im always changing my mind about what i want to do with my town :( but mostly i just want it to be nature-themed
i really like the tree & bush colors in i think mid to late january, so i think i'll update my DA around that time
I don't have a theme. I just want to have a nice, natural, happy town. :blush: I have an open space, so I keep hoping for a good camper to show up. And I'm working on getting Lucha to leave...
Right now, in my town, I'm just trying to get Tammy and Lucky to leave since they're in vital spots in my town. Other than that I'm just adding whatever looks cute to my town.
I'm making a red, white, and blue town. I'm thinking that one of the characters will be Captain America. Maybe all the characters will be super heros.

I'm also working on getting some cute villagers. I wanted villagers that I've never had before. Which is hard, because I have 6 towns and cycled with some of them. So far, I have adopted, Joey, Hazel, Rudy, and Eugene. I really like them.
Since I joined in with the 1/1 reset, I'm just working towards the basics. I'm trying to pay my house off as quickly as possible, and I'm trying to get my development permit. Sometime during the journey of paying my house off, I'll start with my natural path (as that's going to take FOREVER), but I need a lot of flowers, fruit trees and bushes for that. So far so good though!
I'm trying to set my town's paths. It looks like a chessboard with the black and white checkered concrete paths, because I can't find a decent path without the need of creating mules. I'm going to create lots of flowers too, to "border" my villagers' homes and the cliffs.

Also, I'm trying to kick almost every villager out that isn't Fang, Genji, and Snake (uh.. I'm not sure if I'll be keeping Chief and Chadder). I don't really have a long list of dreamies so I'm just gonna let other villagers pass by AS LONG as they won't screw up my paths, so I'm waiting for good campers like a cake in the oven.
:blush: I'm making a natural forest town in fall with my main, it's full of orange and black flowers and a ton of trees, so I'm still working on collecting trees, mostly cedars.

My second town is a winter fairytale theme, and right now I'm plot resetting Teddy :)
My town is sort of a mix between fairytale and natural with a little bit of random because i'm experimenting with different paths in my town. I'm working towards covering most of my town with rare blooms, and redoing my cedar forest (i chopped the whole thing down to put fruit orchards in certain places v.v). My dream address is 4500-6166-8259 if you want to check it out :D
My town's not any theme at the moment, nor do I have a Dream Suite yet. It works as a flower hybrid / fruit farm at the moment. I hope to get all different sort of fruits in my town and pretty flowers.

I've been thinking about making a Yellow Brick Road (Wizard of Oz, wink wink) at some point when I'll have the time and the eagerness and spaaaace. But I don't really have an over-all theme for the place in mind.

I also hope to make an archeology/museum themed room, a Japanese/Zen themed room and a fairytale room in my house when I get enough expansions for the house.
Mostly trying to get upgrades and potential dreamies.. playing way more casually than I did before though. Saving up igb/bells atm for future needs :3
Today in particular, I planned out where to put some streetlights and benches and a clock while still having space for houses. I've got a "fairy-tale" theme going because it's the most medieval of the bunch. I'll be building these PWPs over the next few days.
Hmm, my town is zen playful quirky kind of town and just adding public work projects that are zen and others that would match and look fine. I'm currently working on the bottom half of my town and still need to unlock the public work projects I want xD
My town is very much still a wip. I'm just landscaping the best I can in small sections of my town and going from there. I can't wait to post my completed town someday though! :)
I wanna make a sort of forest town, in middle of the night, while it's raining. There's something about nighttime forest towns that make me feel so relaxed...I just love it so much. Anyway, that's what I want my town to be. At first, I wanted to make a cutesy town, but I didn't really think my town name fit it (my town name is actually a reference to an anime so I'm not sure why I thought a forest town would fit with it??? But I guess that doesn't matter too much.)
I don't have specific theme in my town and I don't have any dreamies, only a couple of favorite villagers like Shep, Marina, and Lobo but I'm not in a rush to get them, nor it is a compulsory to get them in my town :p I'm a kind of go-with-the-flow player, so whatever happen in my town everyday, I play along lol. Never plot resetting and TT-ing so I really leave it up to luck, I guess..

But currently I'm working to get a bridge PWP for my town. I had the original bridge teared down and waiting for my villagers to request another bridges. Also I want to grow the rest of the hybrids that I haven't got yet, except for the golden roses because I just can't turn off the beautiful town ordinance :'D

Oh and my DA is in the sig ;) (eventho I haven't update my dream since god knows when lol)
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I have two DAs in my signature. Ophylix is mostly done like 98% done. Olympus is still a work in progress I just updated it recently, so I'd love some feedback if you'd like to visit them. :)

Ophylix is a fairy-tale type town with lots of flowers and a majority of my favorite villagers.

Olympus is a modern-themed port town that's supposed to be nautical themed and like Poseidon's corner of Olympus. It's not complete yet I'm getting really close to having all of my dreamies now, but I'm still missing a lot of PWPs and house items that I want and of course always breeding hybrids.
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I just want a town that I'm happy with. I always envisioned a town where there were flowers everywhere, ever since WW. In NL I finally did it, there's flowers covering every inch that isn't a pathway (I love natural paths).
My entire town is pink and white themed. When I started playing ACNL I didn't know about map resetting and plot resetting and all that. But I absolutely love my current map and my paths and town are exactly how I want them. I might but another copy of ACNL for myself soon (Bought one already for the BF) and go super crazy with it but for now I'm perfectly content with my current town and all of my villagers.